CAPA Wednesdays

Music, Dance and Art have filled the corridors of a Wednesday afternoon, after school this term!


Year 12 Visual Arts and Music have also taken the opportunity to continue developing their body of work and performances with the assistance of their teachers.

Art Hub

This year has seen the return of Art Hub, a wonderful space where all students can develop their art practice and focuses on enhancing their skills and interest as an artist through individual and group projects. Some of the Art Hub students have been working to design and paint a food cart made by the 2020 year 12 construction class. Art Hub welcomes all students from Years 7-12 and is looking forward to seeing everyone again in term 2! 


Wow what a term it has been! This very special group of young ladies from year 7-12 have been training hard in preparation for a fantastic year of dance performances, festivals and other exciting events. Miss McRae-Taylor and Miss Sentic are extremely thrilled to be facilitating this group, which meets every Wednesday afternoon. Each week we have focused on dance technique, choreography, performance and most importantly FUN! Keep your eyes peeled for the next generation of Cecil Hills Performers. 

CAPA (Creative and Performing Arts) Wednesdays have been a fantastic opportunity for our students to extend their skills and receive extra support. If you are interested in joining Art Hub or Dance, please see Mrs Shannon, Miss Cakir or Miss Watson for Art Hub and Miss Sentic or Miss McRae-Taylor for Dance.


Visual Arts, Music and Dance Teachers