Year 8 detectives

What happened to Francis?

One night on a family camping trip to Quetico Park, the reckless raven-haired Francis waits until her family have fallen asleep and takes a rowing boat out to the middle of the lake. Hoping to find a quiet spot where the teenager can lay on her back, stare at the sky and write in her journal, her expectations of a peaceful night at one with nature are soon shattered when an unexpected noise comes from the water below.


Year 8 students in the CSI elective class had to view the film clip below and then take on the role of the main character and compose a diary entry. 


This is a Diary Entry written by Mikayla De Groot, in Year 8. 


Dear Diary,

To whom it may concern..

The adrenaline pumped inside my veins. My hands touched the imprinted wooden row and with all my strength I pushed against the water. It led me further and further into the sea. I was always a troubled teen and wanted to adventure. I loved the way the adrenaline kicked into my body. I know I was only 17, but the adrenaline was like a drug to me. And I craved more. I was always the outcast of my family, and they never really cared for me. That’s why it led to me always getting myself into trouble. And now I’m in the middle of the ocean without a care-free doubt looking up at the icy night sky. It’s always been the way the stars shimmer under the glistening moonlight that thrilled me. I finally felt at peace for once. The ocean was trailing back and forth at a peaceful rate. Every bird, bug, bee, insect, or reptile were inaudible.  

My silky black hair dangled its thin-layered strands toward the chilling water. I managed to make myself comfortable against the timber boat. It was rigged and the planks were slim. Bolts were out of place and some were missing. It didn't faze me though. I just wanted to get away from my father bickering about how much I needed to improve my life or his annoying snoring. The boat creaked as the tide picked up a little. I found it fascinating and wanted to draw about it. So without a doubt I flicked my cigarette into the ocean, hearing it sizzle and then grabbed my book and drew. I drew for about 20 minutes before I heard the distinct sound of a knock. Wait. A knock? No. I must be imagining things. But it seemed so consistent and life-like. It came from the bottom of the boat. As oddly as it sounded..

The wind chimed in the distance in between the trees. My heart was racing. But a few breathing techniques calmed me. And just like that I drifted back into doing my drawings. When I draw I feel at peace again.. it’s my escape from reality. But of course everything just has to come to an end eventually. Three knocks. At a faster rate this time. And were louder.. it was beginning to become a little creepy now. My voice echoed through the deserted soundless waves as I screamed, “Hello?! This seriously isn’t funny anymore!” But.. no reply. 


Sweat trickled on the back of my neck. And just like that another three knocks. The noise traumatised me. I hated every bit of it. I wanted it to be gone! Why can’t it just go! It reminded me of a fly that keeps buzzing right near your ear. Just straight up annoying. The knocks kept getting louder. “That’s it!” I thought to myself as I picked up the rows and Began to push against the water. However it didn’t move. Not even a single inch. I scoffed too myself as I used all my energy and still.. Nothing. I was beyond annoyed and exhausted. 


However, with a great force I was plunged into the water. It sent chills all over my body within seconds. The water was freezing. I kept screaming for what seemed like hours but I kept getting dumped under by waves. Every breath was painful. It felt as though somebody shoved the tip of a knife into my chest so not even the hilt was visible. That only the blood swam around my fingers and nothing else as my eyes grew three shades duller. Everything was just sucked out from me. Thoughts raced through my head as I tried to get to the breaking surface of the ocean. Everything flashed right before my eyes. Giggling soon filled the unknown silent. Horror ran through my mind. It was so Ghastly. 

With a quick zoon, something appeared through the darkness. Something so majestic.. And frantic. I couldn’t swim only spectate as it crept closer to me. Take each step very cautiously and creepily.. It was swimming in such a panoramic way. “You will join the legacy. You are one!” They chanted around in a circle around me, kind of like a cult and I was their sacrifice. They all had the same markings, The symbol of an anchor. My heart and mind was gutted. My skin became grey until something popped into my mind. Something so gnarly I wouldn't dare to think about it. The sirens.. I was always warned about them growing up. They are so beautiful yet so foolish and tricky.

My life was sucked from me. My legs gave way. And my lungs? Defeated. My body gave up as their powers drained the life from me. Their metallic blue tails swirled in circles creating jet-like waves that could take anybody down within minutes. Their hair was so long it could choke you anyday. And their melody? Breathtaking. Suddenly I couldn’t bare to let myself suffocate. Once the sirens have gotten their victim they trap them in a bubble so they can work their magic and suck their life and form the human into them, too carry on the legacy. I was the one chosen. And there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing. I tried screaming but everything was murmured because of the water.


The process lasted hours. And suddenly a zap ran through my body. I wasn’t in pain anymore? I wasn’t underwater. I wasn’t  slowly choking under there. The sirens were gone. I was back at the tent. I ran to my parents screaming and shaking them. “Mum! Dad! Wake up! You have too help!” They both opened their eyes and happiness filled me. A smile grew across my face as tears made my dry cheeks soggy again. “Mom!” But.. no answer. She looked around and shrugged her shoulders and went back to bed. My heart sank into my stomach. Why isn’t anybody listening to me? I got up and ran back to the sand. It was soft, and my feet dug straight into the calming and reassuring feeling. I saw my boat off to the side. And a newsletter. 


What.. but I’m right here.. it doesn’t make sense.. it can’t! Then all of a sudden a thrilling voice spoke. One I dreaded of all time. One that made my skin crawl and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. It cooed into my ear, “You’ve joined us. Now it’s your turn to follow the legacy.”


Ms E Occhiuto and J Banks

Year 8 CSI elective class  teachers



Year 8 CSI class also had the job to prove the innocence of one suspect and convict the real killer.   This was the case:  


On 8 May 1998, the small Indiana town of Riverdale was shocked by the brutal murder of one of its most beloved citizens on the night before her wedding. 


The victim, Harmony Ashcroft, was murdered in the parking lot behind a restaurant during her own wedding rehearsal dinner.  Bones McBride, a local vagrant, was framed for the murder and has spent over two decades behind bars despite being 100% innocent!


Ms E Occhiuto

Year 8 CSI elective class teacher