Celebrating success with Year 8
Year 8 Foodlovers
Year 8 students have been hard at work in the kitchen in their Food Lovers and Food Technology subjects. It is wonderful to see the amazing work that Year 8 students demonstrate in their subjects across the school. Mr Wilcox especially loves popping in for a taste test! This week, Year 8 prepared rice paper rolls in their Food Lovers class and some delicious Chocolate Truffle Balls in their Food Technology class.
Thank you to their awesome teachers for providing these learning experiences for Year 8!
Teamwork with Year 8B
We are so fortunate to have a large innovative classroom for our Year 8 English lessons. Over the last few weeks, 8B have been reading the novel, A Monster Calls and have been working together to break down and analyse each chapter. The students of 8B particularly enjoy moving to the back of the classroom where they have the ability to sit on the comfy couches and use the area as their “super cool” learning space.
We are extremely proud of how well the students work together and bounce ideas off each other. Well done 8B! Keep up the great work.
Miss Cupac and Mr Wilcox
Year 8 Advisers