Every single day counts

Attendance Matters

The NSW Department of Education recognises that working collaboratively with students and their families is the best way to support the regular attendance of students at school.


Parents must ensure their children attend school every day. On occasion, a student may need to be absent from school. Justified reasons for student absences may include:

  • being sick or having an infectious disease
  • having an unavoidable medical appointment;
  • being required to attend a recognised religious holiday;
  • exceptional or urgent family circumstances e.g., attending a funeral.

Parents must provide an explanation for absences to the school within 7 days from the first day of any period of absence. Where an explanation has not been received within the 7-day timeframe, the school will record the absence as unjustified on the student's record. Parents should respond to the SMS sent on the days their child is absent to provide an explanation, however, prolonged or frequent absences may result in a request for a medical certificate.


Three great reasons to attend school every single day:

  • You LEARN
  • You build FRIENDSHIPS
  • You develop LIFE SKILLS

Happy holidays

I take this opportunity to wish all families a safe and happy holiday.









Julia Cremin

Deputy Principal - Year 7 and Support Unit