
Looking after our planet...

Welcome back!

Term 1 has hit the ground running! We have not wasted any time with our plans to further improve our carbon footprint and waste around our school. We have some grand plans for this year and we would love our greater school community to get involved!

Garden Club

You read that right! Our level 1 outdoor garden space is looking very sad and it needs some TLC. The sustainability leaders and staff have been discussing ways we can make this area into a sustainable garden where students can get their hands in the dirt and learn more about where food comes from. 

This is a big project and will require everyone's help from donations of seeds, tools and their time to bring this area back to life! We are going to start a Garden Club in Term 2 for students to visit at lunchtime each week to help water, weed and tend to the garden. It will also be a nice space for students to use for reading sessions or mindfulness sessions during the day. 

Our Families and Friends community has jumped on board to help this happen. Stay tuned for more to come!

Woolworths discovery seeds

For those families shopping at Woolworths, if you claim any Discovery Plant seeds we welcome any donations towards our garden. There is a box at the front door for students to place any seeds they have collected in. We thank you for your donations! 

Current Sponsors

We are very fortunate to have such an open and helping community. SMPS has teamed up with VIRID Vertical Gardens and Southbank Sustainability Group to support us with this big garden project. We would like to thank these groups for your support. 

Sustainability Heroes of the week

Our lovely ladies in Grade 4 have been volunteering their play times to clean the public gardens near the park that we use. No one even asked them! We love seeing the value of community being shown at SMPS. 

Working Bee

Stay tuned for an upcoming working bee to help us get our garden space ready!