Class Updates and Reminders

Messages from our Learning Levels...


Dates to Remember:

Monday 1st March- Prep ABC Snack Art Workshop

Monday 1st March- Prep Parent Information Night 5-6pm via Webex

Wednesday 31st March- ‘Proud to be Me’ in-school visit



Home Learning Folders

Each week, students will receive a sheet for practise at home (see below). This sheet lists the letters/sounds and high frequency words that students have learnt over the past week. To support consolidation of this learning, children should practise these letters/sounds/words at least four times a week. 

Sheets should be stored in their home learning folder. These folders should be used to store home learning items only. Any student work such as craft can be kept at home. Please ensure students bring their folder to school each day in their bags.


PE Days

A reminder that PE falls on the following days for our Prep classes:

Prep ATuesday
Prep BTuesday
Prep CThursday

Students should come to school wearing their full sports uniform on their relevant PE day.


Compass Emails

The Compass email is a great tool to contact your child’s class teacher if you have a quick question or message. It should be noted that teachers are unable to check these emails during the school day so if the message is urgent it is best to send a note or call the School Office. Teachers aim to respond to emails within two working days. 


If your question or concern requires a bigger conversation, we ask that you book an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss the matter in person or via phone call.


Lost Property

Please ensure that all items are labelled with your child's name and class. Any named items found across the school will be returned to the relevant student. Otherwise, lost property is located on the Ground Floor next to the School Gym. 


To avoid the issue of missing items, we will do our best to support students with packing their bags and remembering their belongings at the end of each day. You can help by practising these organisational skills at home.


Parent/Carer Volunteers: Working With Children Check

This week you will have received a letter about parent volunteer opportunities in Prep. If you are interested in volunteering on a regular basis, please complete the form sent home and return to your child’s class teacher by Wednesday 3rd March.


If you are interested in helping, but cannot commit to regular days/times, then there will be opportunities across the year to support with school events and visits. All volunteers must hold a valid Working With Children Check and provide the school office with a copy. Please apply via and select ‘volunteer’. 

Grade 1

Contacting Teachers


If you would like to get in contact with your child’s class teacher please send them an email through Compass and via the email below. It should be noted that teachers are unable to check these emails during the school day so if the message is urgent it is best to send a note or call the School Office. Teachers aim to respond to emails within two working days. 


PE days

1A: Thursday

1B, 1C and 1D: Wednesday


Homework Reminders


This week we have started sending home reading bags, student diaries, and reading books with your child. Please ensure your child reads these books aloud to you each school night (4-5 times per week) for around 10-15minutes and that they return the books each day with their diary signed by you. The books should be Just Right Books for your child meaning around 2-3 tricky words per page. We have been working on choosing JRB’s at school this week. If the books your child is bringing home are too easy or challenging please write a note of this in your child’s diary for their teacher.


Also please ensure that your child completes one lesson of Mathseeds per week as per the homework guidelines. This means they start on one number on the map and do all the parts in a lesson to move to the next number on the map, e.g. they move from 41 to 42.

Grade 2

Compass Emails

If you would like to get in contact with your child’s class teacher please send them an email via the email below. It should be noted that teachers are unable to check these emails during the school day so if the message is urgent it is best to send a note or call the School Office. Teachers aim to respond to emails within two working days. 


If your question or concern requires a bigger conversation, we ask that you book an appointment with your child’s class teacher to discuss the matter in person or via phone call.


Getting To Know Your Child Chats:

Please ensure you have booked a slot for Week 6 via Compass.


Homework expectations:

This week we have started sending home book bags, student diaries, and reading books with your child. Please help your child to set up a routine where each night they get out their book to read, record their reading in their diary and then pack both their reader and diary back into their reading bag, ready for the next day. Students need to ensure they bring their book back in their book bag as they will not be able to borrow 


Please ensure that your child completes one lesson of Mathseeds per week as per the homework guidelines. Students may wish to complete all of the activities in their lesson on one night or spread them out over a couple of nights if this is more manageable. 

Grade 3/4

Specialist timetables:

3/4A: Mandarin (Tues), Music (Thurs) STEAM and P.E. (Fri)

3/4B: Music (Tues), STEAM (Thurs), P.E. and Mandarin (Fri) 

3/4C: Music (Mon), P.E. (Thurs), Mandarin and STEAM (Fri)

3/4D: P.E. (Mon), Mandarin (Thurs), STEAM and Music (Fri)

3/4E: Mandarin (Wed), STEAM (Thurs), Music and P.E. (Fri) 


Homework: 4 x nights of reading (signed by parents/ carers), 4 x nights of spelling, 2 x Mathletics activities


Getting to Know Your Child Chat: Please make sure you've booked in with your child's teacher for a chat next week (see Compass). 

Grade 5 and 6

Consent Required: 

Please go onto Compass to provide consent for the Sex Education Australia (SEA) in-visits taking place for students over 3 sessions starting on Thursday 4th March. Sex Education is part of the Grade 5 and 6 Curriculum. Should you wish for your child not to attend, please email your class teacher.


Gratitude to the parents and carers who attended the SEA Parent information night in Week 4.


Wet Play Games:

If you have any complete board games (non battery powered) that you would like to donate for Wet Play activities, please send them in with your child.


Teacher emails:

You can email your class teacher to communicate.

Grade 5: Miss Jenny (Mon/Tues): or Miss Maddy (Weds/Thurs/Fri): 

Grade 6: Miss Jo:


Homework Expectations:

Homework supports the learning that students do in school and is essential to their continued progress. We politely request that you support us in ensuring:

  • Students achieve minimum 200 points a week in Mathletics (approximately 2 activities)
  • Students read for 30 minutes, 4 nights a week
  • The Student Diary is signed 4 nights a week by an adult
  • Students practise spelling for 10 minutes Mon-Thurs

Getting To Know Your Child Chats:

Please ensure you have booked a slot for Week 6 via Compass.