News from the Office
Pathways to Tertiary
Are you about to transition out of secondary education into tertiary education or know someone who is?
Do you want to learn about the different pathways into tertiary education available or have students in Year 11-12 interested in moving forward with their education?
Hear directly from University and TAFE staff, NDCOs, and other industry experts to help you develop your knowledge and skills for a smoother transition into tertiary education.
Learn how to disclose your disability, seek out available supports and negotiate reasonable adjustments through specially designed sessions for students, parents/guardians and educators.
The series is comprised of online Q & A sessions, resources and live events.
Join us for the online Pathways to Tertiary series;
When: April 28th-May 19 2021 (Every Wednesday)
Time: Varied times depending on session
Where: Online
Details of sessions below:
Information for Students Wednesday 28th April
Information for Parents/Caregivers Wednesday 5th May
Information for Educators/Career Practitioners Wednesday 12th May
Virtual Connection Day with TAFE & UNI Disability Practitioners Wednesday 9th May
This FREE event is open to ALL secondary education students with disability and/or chronic health condition throughout Australia, there are also specifically tailored sessions for parents/guardians and educators.
Registrations are now OPEN, so be sure to register at to save your place!
Multiple Permissions
Please find below a link to give digital consent to the Multiple Permissions for your children for 2021. These permissions must be completed by all families attending Armstrong Creek School and are valid for the 2021 school year. (Please complete the link for each of your children who attend ACS). Please advise the office immediately should you wish to withdraw \ change your permissions.
These permissions are in relation to Photos, Headlice checks, Emails, ICT Acceptable Use, Watching PG Movies, Local Excursions and Online Services.
If you are having trouble accessing Compass or need your password reset, please don't hesitate to contact the office.
Lunch Orders
We are pleased to announce that lunch orders will be available 2 days per week in 2021!
Every Tuesday and Friday families will have the opportunity to place orders for students who will receive them at lunchtime. Orders will continue to be placed online via QuickCliq and must be placed by 9am on the day prior to order day.
The Menu and How to Order guides can be found on Compass by clicking on the Community Icon \ School Information \ Parent Information \ Canteen.
Breakfast Club
Breakfast Club has returned for all students at ACS! We will be providing breakfast on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.40am to 8.55am. Students can make their way over to the Canteen for a quick take away breakfast.
This is a great opportunity for your child to practice their social skills by:
- Lining up calmly and waiting patiently to be served.
- Remembering to use their manners by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when engaging with our volunteer staff.
- Taking care of our school and placing all of their rubbish in the bins provided.
We would like to thank Food Bank Victoria for supplying all of our food products free of charge for this valuable program.
Library Fund
Our school has established a Library Fund which will enable us to further build on our resources of library books and ICT equipment.
All monetary donations are tax deductible – please contact the office for any further information or if you would like to make a donation.
Compass is our Parent Portal and a vital communication tool that connects our home\school partnership. Families can enter student absences, see Student Reports, email teachers and make payments for events, camps, excursions etc - these are just a few of the many options available.
There are also many valuable resources for families on Compass under the School Documentation section including YMCA - Before and After School Care information, Canteen Menu's and ordering guide, Medication Authority Forms, Term Dates and links to all previous Newsletters, just to name a few.
The School Documentation section can be found by clicking on:
Community Icon (People) \ School Documentation \ Parent Information
If you are having trouble accessing your Compass account, need to reset your password or have not yet received your Log In details; please contact the office on 5218 5100 or email .