Deputy Principal - Mrs Karam


It is with mixed emotions that I let you know that on Monday 22nd February (Week 5) I will be starting a new position as Relieving Principal at Lansvale Public School. This position is for the duration of 2021. I’m really sad to be leaving the Fairvale community. I have been at Fairvale Public School since 2015 and I have developed many close friendships with staff, the community and of course our amazing students. It will be very difficult to say goodbye to everyone and I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and support. Fairvale Public School will always hold a special place in my heart. I would also like to personally thank Mr Pitt for his tremendous leadership and support over the past 6 years. The Fairvale community is lucky to have you as a leader. 



Quality Texts with Mrs Karam

Last week I started my ‘Quality Texts with Mrs Karam’ visits. I visited class 2/3A and 6N. I read the book ‘Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival’ with class 2/3A and we had a great discussion about feelings, emotions and friendship. We all agreed that when you are feeling sad, worried or upset it is best to talk to a friend or someone you can trust about your feelings. 





In 6N I read one of my favourite books called ‘Those shoes by Maribeth Boelts’. It is about a young boy who is eager to have the latest, most expensive shoes. He learns about the differences between needs and wants and the importance of helping out friends who may be less fortunate then yourself. I really enjoyed reading this book with 6N.