Principal's Report - Mr Pitt



Dear Parents/ Carers,



Tomorrow we say a goodbye to Mrs Laura Karam, our Deputy Principal. Mrs Karam has been temporarily appointed to Lansvale PS as Relieving Principal for the duration of 2021. This is a wonderful opportunity for Mrs Karam and although I am sad for the Fairvale Community, I am very proud that she takes her experiences in leading innovation and change, her strong knowledge of curriculum and assessment, her outstanding interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with students, staff, parents/ carers and the wider community in such a dynamic way to the Lansvale Community. Congratulations Mrs Karam! We hope you have a great time and we also hope you come and visit us from time to time. Some changes to school organisation will occur over the next 2 weeks, before we can lock in the changes for the rest of the year – I thank you for your anticipated cooperation. 



Our new canteen service provider, ‘Made Fresh’ is settling in well. Managing a school canteen on day-to-day basis is extremely challenging so please remember to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when ordering and purchasing food. Welcome to Dimitra (orange shirt) and Betty (green shirt).





Thank you to everyone who continues to follow COVID-19 guidelines every day. From Monday changes will occur to Drop Off and Pick Up:

  • DROP OFF – children enter the school by themselves. If you need to go to the canteen or uniform shop you must complete the COVID-Safe Check-in using your phones.
  • PICK UP – gates open at 2.45pm, but you must complete the COVID Safe Check-in using your phone – this is quick and simple.

(if you do not have your phone OR cannot access the check-in, then you will need to go to the Wolseley Street gate, and enter your information on the school laptop, which will be kept on the office verandah). 




Over the last fortnight I visited all the special workers who help us at school – our very important School Administrative and Support staff. These people ensure our school is well managed, safe and friendly. Check out the photos in this edition of the newsletter. 



I would encourage all families to attend the ‘Meet the Teacher’ next week. Parents can meet their child’s teacher in classrooms. Online bookings are available. If you cannot access the online booking schedule, call the school and ask for help.  This is not an interview, rather an information session. 




Most children have settled and are ready for learning in 2021. Occasionally some children may take a little longer to settle than others; this is normal behaviour and my answer to solving this is consistency. This means your child attends school every day. Other strategies may include arriving closer to 9am so that the transition from you to the school gate is quick. Some children miss their old teacher and perhaps some classmates, but please assured we spent many hours forming the classes so where your child is now, is most definitely the correct choice. If you have concerns, attend ‘Meet the Teacher’ or organise to have a meeting at another time. 



COVID Intensive Learning Support Program (ILSP)

As we all know, 2020 was a tough year. This is particularly so for our students and teachers who have risen to the challenges in a disrupted year that included seven weeks of remote learning due to COVID-19, and in some areas, that came on top of bushfires and floods. For our students, this has been an unsettling time. The government and department have recognised this with the announcement of a $337 million program aimed at ensuring that schools can identify students who would benefit the most from intensive support. This will be tailored to their requirements to ensure that students’ educational outcomes continue to improve in 2021. We will keep you updated. In the meantime the department’s website has more information on this program.





SRE commences on Monday 1 March for all students. It is important that Kindergarten families and any new children to the school, complete the REI information slip. If classes are cancelled children will participate in non-religious Education instruction at this time. 




Due to challenging of times over the last 12 months, we have decided as a school not to ask for voluntary school contributions in 2021. We will continue to look at keeping the cost of incursions and excursions relevantly low and at times, the school will cover some of the costings for such events. 




All adults on site will be healthy and ready to work and we expect the same for our children and their families. If they are unwell at school you or your nominated emergency contact will need to collect them immediately. Please make sure your contact details are up to date. Check out the link below.



Have a great fortnight,



Anthony Pitt




I respect and acknowledge Aboriginal people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live in visit.