Year One

Communicating with the Year One Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Laura Kelly (Class 1A)

Jessica Cameron (Class 1B) 

Samantha White (Class 1B)

Laura Kelly
Samantha White
Jessica Cameron
Laura Kelly
Samantha White
Jessica Cameron

Hot Cross Bun Fundraiser

Maths in Year One!

During this term, in Year One classes, we have been covering topics from the strands, Number and Algebra and Measurement and Geometry. Over the last week, in the Year One classrooms we have learning all about shapes and measurement! The students in 1A and 1B have been given the opportunity to explore these concepts through a range of fun and engaging hands-on activities. 

During these enjoyable tasks, students have demonstrated their ability to use informal units of measurement to order objects based on length. In the classroom students have used items such as pop sticks and Unifix blocks to measure and compare the length of various items. 

The shape activities the students completed had them classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects, using obvious features. With this knowledge, students went on a shape hunt around the school. Where they identified a range of two-dimensional shapes within the school environment.

In Number and Algebra the Year One students have been applying their number sense and strategies for counting and representing numbers and explore the properties of numbers. They have been applying a range of strategies such as addition and subtraction and developing an understanding of the connections between those operations. 


Brain Food

The Year One students have had discussion around the importance of fuelling our bodies and brains with fresh fruit and vegetable when we have our daily brain break at 11:30 each day. Students know that during this 10 minute break we are to eat fresh fruit and fresh vegies only. 

Take Home Readers

Research has shown that the repeated reading and exposure of texts can boost student's confidence when reading and consolidate their reading skills. We urge families to read the InitiaLit readers daily to help support the learning that is happening within the classroom.


At this stage there is no need to formally record what has been read. We trust that you will engage in nightly reading with your child


InitiaLit readers will be given on a Monday and are required to be returned on Friday the same week.


If you can, please encourage your child to read other books too.



Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes.  * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *




PE: Tuesdays 9:00am

Visual Arts: Tuesdays 10:30am

Performing Arts: Thursdays 1pm

Japanese: Thursdays 10.50am (odd weeks)


Visual Arts: Tuesdays 9:00am

PE: Tuesdays 10:30am

Performing Arts: Thursdays 10:30am

Japanese: Thursdays 11.30am (odd weeks)