
Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters

Lisa Dam

Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam

What we have been doing in Maths!


In Number and Algebra over the past few weeks, the Foundation students have been continuing to consolidate their number recognition and counting skills. They have enthusiastically participated in and completed a variety of hands-on authentic learning tasks that allows the students to learn and develop these number skills.  We have also been excitedly counting the number of days we have been at school in preparation for our 100 Days of School Celebration later in the year! 


The Foundation students enjoyed completing the ‘Jellyfish Counting’ task where they made jellyfish that required them to count and order the numbers 1 to 10 from smallest to largest. Check them out on display in your child’s classroom window!



The students have been practising counting the numerals 0 to 20 by recognising and ordering the numbers to build unifix towers. Students practised counting sets of objects by creating ‘Tall Towers’ of unifix up to the number 20 and learning that the last number you count represents the total number. 

We have also participated in activities to strengthen our skills of connecting number names, numerals and quantities of numbers and also how to correctly write the numbers. 

Next week we are looking forward to exploring and learning all about 2 Dimensional shapes. We will be looking for shapes in our environment, creating shapes and looking at the different features of shapes. 


Each week on a Friday we have our buddy session. All the students thoroughly enjoy the sessions and eagerly look forward to getting together each week and getting to know each other more! 

Over the past couple of weeks the buddies have been looking at what makes a good friend and a good buddy. They made ‘Friendship Cupcakes’ and together they came up with some ‘ingredients’ that make a good friend. They also worked cooperatively to colour in and decorate their cupcakes. 

Last week we read the ‘Rainbow Fish’ by Marcus Pfister together. The children loved the story based around friendship and sharing. Together they made a beautiful Rainbow Fish with one shiny silver scale. The Rainbow Fish and the Cupcakes are on display in the windows between the senior and Junior Gallery!  



At Upwey South Primary School we celebrate children’s birthdays by wearing free dress to school (if they wish to). If your child’s birthday lands on a weekend or in the school holidays they can still come in free dress on the next school day. This is a lovely way for the school community to recognise  and celebrate your child’s birthday! 


Specialist Timetable

Please note the following information regarding the days that each grade has specialist classes.  * These times are subject to change during school-wide events (eg: swimming timetables) *




PE: Thursdays 2:30pm

Visual Arts: Tuesdays 11:30am

Performing Arts: Tuesdays 1:00pm

Japanese: Thursdays 1:20pm (even weeks)


PE: Thursdays 1:00pm

Visual Arts: Tuesdays 1:00pm

Performing Arts: Tuesdays 11:30am

Japanese: Thursdays 11:10am (even weeks)