Languages- Japanese

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Sensei Masae Uekusa (Japanese) 


Masae Sensei
Masae Sensei



In week 6, Foundation students learnt 4 colours (red, blue, yellow and green) and the word ‘colour’ in Japanese. They learnt those words using the original sign language-inspired hand-movements inspired by the JLTAV (Japanese Language Teachers Association of Victoria). The students are also getting used to answering the roll question ‘Genki desu ka? (How are you?)’ choosing from the 4 different answers with the help of ‘Genki’ monsters.


Grade 1/2

Grade 1 and 2 students learnt the four Hiragana letter sounds and shapes ‘え’, ‘ん’, ‘ぴ’ and ‘つ’along with the 3 target words using those letters ‘pencil’, ‘coloured pencil’ and ‘pencil sharpener’. When they worked on each of those letters, they used different strategies to remember the shapes such as writing them in the air, on their hands with their fingers and colouring in the shapes of those letters.


Grade 3/4

Grade 3 and 4 students practised their self-introductory sentences ‘My name is…’ and ‘I am …years old’ with the help of the trigger actions and the teacher’s cues. They also learnt ‘Yay!’, ‘Too bad’ and ‘Congratulations!’ along with the shape of the words. To consolidate their learning, they enjoyed playing ‘Gimkit’ game.


Grade 5/6

In week 6, grade 5 and 6 students learnt about the world tallest self-standing tower ‘Tokyo Skytree’ and started working on the key response phrases in the target dialogue under Travel Agency unit. They worked on the Hiragana letters for the key phrases; ‘Sounds good’, ‘Sounds interesting’ and ‘I see/Is it so?’ and revised those through a fun game on ‘