Middle Years
This week has been unusual with the five-day lockdown. Last year we learnt a lot about agility and flexibility as we shift to different teaching modes and I am sure we have brought these skills to the fore this week. I hope students have enjoyed the benefits of learning from home including being able to get outside in the afternoon, no long bus trips and a little sleep in. I find it fascinating as we are continuing to adjust to life under Covid, and we can choose to look on the bright side each day. This short lockdown has given students a chance to ‘catch their breath’ after a hectic start to term. The learning on Tuesday and Wednesday appeared to shift seamlessly to remote lessons. For our Year 7 students the remote learning structure would have been quite different to their remote primary classes last year, and I congratulate them on their efforts.
Last week I spoke to Year 7 parents about this transition period. I reinforced that our Year 7 students are doing well adapting to life in a secondary environment, and as educators and parents we need to put ourselves in their shoes.
- We need to remember that students feel overloaded at times; they are getting used to routines, people and processes.
- We need to be gentle with the Year 7 students over the next three to four week as this is the early stage of transition.
- Teachers are giving students time at the end of the day to get organised for buses. The end of day movements can be quite stressful.
- Some students are finding homework quite daunting, and this is normal.
- It will take time to get used to using OneNote and the laptops.
- Record Books need to be used diligently and signed off each weekend, as Mentors check Record Books on a Monday morning.
myPEC House Captain Interviews are underway, and we hope to announce the 2021 Captains early next week. It is pleasing to note that many students applied for these roles. Their applications were terrific, and their interviews have been delightful so far. Some students will miss out on a role, and this will cause disappointment. I have said in several interviews, that ‘you don’t need a badge to lead’, and I encourage all students to actively seek leadership opportunities and influence your peers in a positive manner.
The Year 7 High Ropes Day will be rescheduled at the earliest opportunity. We will let you know once the new excursion date has been set with Trees Adventure.
Finally, I realise how lucky we are to have wonderful families and to be at a school with teachers who want the best for each student.
Mrs Julia Winter Cooke