From the Principal
“Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it.”
― African proverb
Over the past days I have been fascinated with the way people responded to the news that a third lockdown was imminent. For some there was a steely confidence that we have done this before, we know what to do, we will not let this inconvenience derail our momentum. For others, both young and old, there was a sense of fragility, an air of indecisiveness and a desire to hit the ‘pause’ button rather than focus on productive solutions. What was your general state of mind?
I understand both responses, however, I implore this community to embrace a growth mindset and draw on the resilience we built last year. This year, we cannot afford to waste one day feeling sorry for ourselves or undecided as to our course of action. We have the vision, skills and abilities to achieve all our goals and we now need a positive attitude to accompany our plans.
Our major focus continues to build the quality of our learning, especially literacy. We have made huge inroads into establishing a pragmatic culture that enables effective teaching and promotes enthusiastic, engaged, independent learners committed to life-long learning. High standards of behaviour and attendance are our norm. We have made such a wonderful start to 2021 but our collective response to how we manage disruptions, now and into the future, is critical to our success.
As a College community, let us support each other to maintain a proactive approach and tackle 2021 in an optimistic manner. Hero or victim is a state of mind and a state of heart.
Dr Andrew Hirst
Dr Andrew Hirst