Swimming Carnival

House Competition heats up!

Ryan Wu

House Captain - Abyad


The 2021 Swimming Carnival was an absolute blast - there were lots of participants and great house spirit!  

It was great to see many students [across] all year levels to plan a hot drinks stand this year and thank you to all those who made it happen! 

Congratulations to those in Oro House! Who will be next to ring the Brunswick Bell?  I predict Abyad will take the 2021 Athletics Carnival!


Josh Devereaux

Hose Captain - Cagaar


This year's swimming carnival provided some healthy competition between the houses. It was good to see everyone get involved, whether it was a race or the dodge ball competition.

It was also great to see everyone mingle and make some new friends whilst we were there. 

Oro won fair and square and I congratulate them on that..... but don’t worry Caagar,  the Athletics Carnival is just around the corner and I know we'll win it!

Click on the Photo Gallery below to enlarge and see more photos.


Alia Wong

House Captain - Lan Se

The swimming carnival was a fantastic day for all involved and it was amazing to see so much participation across all year levels. 

There was truly something for everyone and the house pride surrounding this event was incredible to see. 

Congratulations to ORO house for winning overall, don’t worry Lan Se, Athletics is ours for the taking!


Charlotte Horner

House Captain - Oro

It was so wonderful that, after such a tough year in 2020, we were able to all come together for a day of celebration at this year’s Swimming Carnival. Hopefully the day had some aspect of fun for all, whether that be swimming and participating in events, or just having a fun day with friends.

Great job to Oro house -  you guys did an amazing job! And a congratulations is in order to all the other houses and their captains, you guys were fabulous competition and such good sports. I hope Oro continues to do us proud at the next house event!
Amelia M
Amelia M


Amelia MacDonald  

Year 7

From a student's point of view, we all loved the carnival. There were lots of events - from under 13 breast stroke to the Year 12 Noodle Races  (which were very good fun to watch!) 

Lots of students participated in the events and they were lots of fun. There was also stations for other activities - like people putting )House colour) face glitter on your face! Another one of my favourite things was the fact that there was a sausage sizzle - and a good one at that!. Thanks to all the people who organised everything, especially Mr Andrew.



Annabel A
Annabel A


Annabel Akers

Year 7

The swimming carnival was a nice experience to meet and see new people, beven though it was wet, rainy and very cold. Go blues for next time!   CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR!! 


Audrey C
Audrey C

Audrey Cartwright 

Year 7

The majority of students participated in a wide range of swimming. This included the relays, freestyle, butterfly, backstroke and breaststroke. There were many things to do - including eating snags and chatting with people! Oro won overall but there was a lot of house pride and everyone came dressed in house colours.  






Hendrix G
Hendrix G

Hendrix Gauci 

Year 7

First up we had the Year 7 test that went smoothly. Then[ we heard] the first BANG and the freestyle started and  everyone became exited. For people that didn't want to swim, there were aquatic activities,  volleyball and of course snags! The day started off with rain, then it cleared for about a minute, then rained heavily, but  to finish - it was nice and sunny!

Imogen V
Imogen V

Imogen Verdnik

Year 7 

It was a thrilling event with races from competitive freestyle, to social butterfly! There were exciting events where you could cheer on your house and get the glory of ringing the Brunswick Bell! The houses participating were: Lan Se, Cagaar, Oro and Abyad. These brave houses bonded together and, when the dust settled, Oro came out on top with a thriving community of winners. Abyad came in a close second, with Lan Se following behind and Cagaar last. Everybody preformed incredibly and did well for their team. . 


Liam D
Liam D

Liam Davis 

Year 7

L The major highlight of the whole event were the sausages that some people cooked there!


MOnique S
MOnique S

Monique Sheehan 

Year 7 

The day started as cold and grey, and the water was as cold as ice.  The Year 7 students were first to arrive and first to do the swim test. Then after the swim test the races begun. There were many races alongside some casual swims as well. There were some swim toys got tossed into one of the smaller pools and a lot of people enjoyed that. The day was fun it had a sausage sizzle and a small table where they served hot chocolate and fairy bread. The day concluded with the winning team being ORO!!! Go Oro!!!     


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