Top Class

Treading the Boards again...

Jakob Schuster

Graduate 2020


Last year, I devised a solo for my VCE 12 Drama class. In an exciting twist of fate, I have made it into Top Class 2021! 


To an outside audience, Drama Solos can be a bit daunting - so I have been asked to break down the whole process for you.


A VCE Drama Solo is a 7-minute piece of theatre performed by just one actor. This actor plays many characters throughout the solo performance - telling a story or exploring an idea. The basic outline of that story is decided by VCAA, but the specifics are all up to the student. It is the final performance task that any Year 12 drama student must face and it is assessed by a panel of (surprisingly friendly!) assessors. Writing a Drama Solo is a creative problem-solving exercise, trying to include all the necessary details, while still using your expressive skills to enrapture an audience of examiners! 


For the uninitiated, Drama Solos are… weird!   Watching one person jump between different characters, times and places can be disorienting. It gets pretty hectic for the actor too - one minute I’m holding a lasso, the next moment it’s a gun, and then a harmonica! Great solos don’t let a second go to waste, and (as a creator) you’ll quickly be wishing for longer than seven minutes!

So what is Top Class?

Students who come out of their VCE exam with an A+ grade get to audition for Top Class. 


At that audition you meet a whole lot of theatre kids, all of whom approached their Drama Solo task in a myriad of different ways. Some made comedic works, others created musical theatre, some used their solo to make a political statement – there is so many ways to create awesome solos. 


If you are a standout act in these auditions, you are selected to perform your work at the Arts Centre in March of the year following your VCE.


Which brings us to the present day!   This month I will be onstage giving it my all, representing Brunswick Secondary College in Top Class 2021. I am excited to perform after a year of lockdowns, and I look forward to seeing more Brunswick students follow in my footsteps in years to come.


My advice to all future VCE drama students: start early, improvise and brainstorm lots, and listen to literally everything Mr Roach says!


Tim Roach

Head of Learning - Performing Arts

Teacher - VCE Drama


I am very excited to be taking a number of 2021 Drama students to the Arts Centre this month to watch Jakob perform his work to the public. 

Throughout his time at BSC, Jakob contributed considerably to a variety of school programs, including those in the area of Performing Arts - in particular, Production.  

In Production and Drama studies,  Jakob focused on developing his  own writing, staging and acting skills through his exemplary Work Practices.  Alongside this, he consistently supported and encouraged those around him to do the same, and in doing so he built (and benefited from) strong and creative working and learning partnerships.  

The success Jakob achieved in his VCE Drama studies, and the consequent recognition by being included in Top Class Drama, is a testament to his outstanding communication and collaboration skills, as well as his commitment to always deliver to the best of his ability.  

These attributes will ensure that Jakob will enjoy success in any field of endeavour  - whichever path he chooses to follow.  

Grease - 2017
Oliver 2018
How to Succeed... 2019
Grease - 2017
Oliver 2018
How to Succeed... 2019


If you are interested in purchasing tickets to see Jakob and others perform,  click HERE.