In Other News

Kingston Treasure discovered at Chelt.

The annual Kingston Woman of the Year Award celebrates the outstanding contribution that women in Kingston make to industry, community, and society. Congratulations to our very own Lisa Maxwell-Cripps, whose nomination in such a prestigious award only begins to highlight what a wonderful person and inspirational member of our Cheltenham staff she is. 


Since Lisa began leadng our music team in 2018 we have seen the growing number of  students who have fallen in love with music, both instrumental and vocal. Our kids have willingly followed Lisa's love for music and in doing so have learnt to use music as a tool for their mental health and wellbeing. 


We are extremly proud of Lisa and we congratulate her on the nomination and thank her for sharing her passion and dedication for both music and mental health within our school and the Kingston community.  

Thank you

Once again Cheltenham Secondary College would like to thank all of our parents and carers who have contributed to the voluntary payment program. These funds are an integral support for our college's ability to provide school resources and special programs. 


Coming up is Morrisby testing for year 9 students. This is an comprehensive apptitude test, that will help our students to make pathway decisions in school subjects and future careers. Students also have access to CSC Career Website and our weekly careers newsletter. We look forward to catching up with our year 11 student Mitch in the next edition of the Cheltonian, about his Work Experience with Victoria Police.








Ride 2 school 2021 hosted by our Environment Team

Join our CSC Envrionment team to walk, ride scoot or skate to school. Enjoy the physical and health benefits of active transport and ride to school, then enjoy a pancake breakfast at the performing arts kitchen.

Open Day 2021

Open Day bookings are now available via Compass Tix. Open Day is on Wednesday the 28th April. Bookings can be made for school tours throughout the day. 


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