Specialists Programs



In Term Two the students will revise the greetings and feelings and will learn how to use these in social settings. They will also learn the colours and will practice how to describe the appearance of different objects in simple sentences.


YEAR 1/2

In Term Two the students will practise how to say and write daily weather patterns and revise the months of the year and seasons. They will also learn how to describe the size of an object whether it is big or small and create simple sentences of their own using these adjectives.


YEAR 3/4

In Term Two the students will revise how to count from 1-100 and they will complete simple addition tasks in Italian. They will also learn the ordinal numbers to tenth place and will be able to distinguish the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers.


Signore Rosetta De Amicis



YEAR 5/6

Student’s will be introduced to the following vocabulary and topics; nationalities, countries, asking and answering where people live, family members and adjectives to describe people,answering questions about a family member, practise forming words with the ‘e’ and ‘u’ sound, name family members and describe the colours they like, name the number of friends they have using ‘ge’ and recognise familiar word order in Chinese sentences.


In Culture, students will learn about; different types of Zongzi, the one Child Policy, what it is like to be a single child, the benefits of large families, and the role of grandparents. They will review the four tones of the Chinese language.


Mrs Ange Crowe



As term two will look different  this year, during this term the children will be practicing  and building on known skills to do with line, pattern perspective and shape.

Looking at the many aspects of being an artist, the children will look at various sculptures then create their own using either lego or cardboard construction.


We will continue to investigate and build our skills in ‘the three ways of drawing for success’.

Drawing with lines, shapes and colours

Drawing with the technique of mark making

Drawing with the technique of rubbing

Using a combination of these techniques will allow the children to be confident artists.


Distance learning also allows the children to combine technology with their art. In the coming weeks the senior  students will be involved with some ‘Toy Photography’ which will allow more work in the area of looking at settings and perspective in art pieces.


Some activities will revolve around art appreciation. Viewing online galleries and taking virtual tours of many of the ‘kid friendly’ world famous art galleries will be part of weekly activities, including our St John’s Online Gallery.

I also am hoping that the children will take part in a virtual excursion of the NGV. This will be a timed, online guided tour of many artworks which will link with the childrens Inquiry Unit- more details to follow.


Mrs Deidre Cosgrave



Preps and 1/2

We are beginning a unit of work on Music and how sounds are made and the different types of sounds we can hear. I will also add in some work with our voices and how our voices can create different sounds by changing the pitch, volume and adding in some character voices while using puppets.

Year 3/4

We will be exploring a unit of work on Music and learning the notes on the Treble Clef and forming our own opinions of what styles of music we enjoy listening to. We will also be exploring how we can use our voices while reading short scripts and poetry to make it sound interesting to listen to.

Year 5/6

Seniors will also be working on a unit of Music where we not only explore what styles of music we like, but we also look at the different instruments of the orchestra and what families they belong to. We will also be continuing on with our unit of work on Improvisation and script writing and learning how we can alter the pitch, volume, expression and emphasis of our voices to create different characters for scripts.


Mrs Lou Devoy
