Year 1/2

Term 2

Welcome back to Term Two in very different times. Haven't we learnt so much already? Please see an overview of our learning for this term.


Religious Education

In our Term 2 RE unit, students will be learning the stories of key historical figures in the Old Testament. These stories include: 

Noah’s Ark

Abraham and Sarah

Jacob and Esau

Joseph and the multi coloured coat

Noami and Ruth

Daniel and the Lion’s Den 

Jonah and the Whale

Students will be reflecting on the characters, key words and message of each story. 



In Reading, students will be practising their reading skills through:

Daily whole class Google Meets reading of texts with foci on making predictions, vocabulary, personal connections and summaries.

Individually set Reading Eggs tasks on lessons, spelling and Storylands/library. 

Weekly focus groups on decoding and comprehension skills for set texts. 


In Writing, students will be exploring Narratives including the following elements:

Exciting beginnings.

Characters, including the use of adjectives and creative word choice for description. 

Settings including the use of adjectives and creative word choice for description.

An interesting problem.

A resolution.

A sound ending to the narrative. 

Students will develop their understanding that the purpose of a narrative is to entertain the readers.



This term’s topics will be:

Data Representation:

  • Ask questions to find out information.

Collect and record information in different ways.


Show how position can be specified and described.

Explain how movement (in relation to the position or direction) can be indicated and described.

Use coordinate systems to locate points in space in relation to their distance from an origin.

3D Objects:

Recognise and classify familiar two-dimensional shapes and three-dimensional objects using obvious features.

Addition and Subtraction:

Recognise and explain the connection between addition and subtraction.

Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning, rearranging parts, doubles facts and tens facts.


In History this term, students will be investigating elements of the past and comparing how it was to how it is now. They will be required to:

Identify perspectives about changes to daily life from people in the past or present.

Identify the differences and similarities between their daily lives and perspectives of life during their parents’ and grandparents’ childhoods, including family traditions, leisure time and communications 

Identify the effect of changing technology on people’s lives and their perspectives on the significance of that change

Social and Emotional Learning

Our SEL focus in Term 2 is on the topic of Self Management. This will involve a focus on the areas of Personal Strengths, Positive Coping and Stress Management. Our learning intentions for these topics will be based around the following: 

Students identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life

Students explain how being prepared to try new things can help identify strategies when faced with unfamiliar or challenging situations


Emma Pattison

Carmel Barro