
Term 2 

This term has begun in such an unusual way but we look forward to sharing lots of learning with you this term nonetheless. We will have a big focus on Literacy and Numeracy as part of our Remote Learning this term.


Religious Education

We will be exploring the stories following the Resurrection of Jesus and the Easter season. Following this we will investigate the sacred objects found in the Church and the links to our community.



We will be consolidating our reading and writing skills this term, particularly looking at the purpose of entertaining our reader. This will include some letter writing and narrative writing. Students will continue to learn and utilise strategies for unknown words when reading, writing and spelling. 



This term we will have an ongoing focus on counting and place value. We will be becoming more familiar with addition and subtraction equations, positional language and sequencing events.



History will be our focus in Inquiry learning. This will be linked to our literacy lessons and we will be exploring a historical unit. Students will learn to identify events from their own past and those around them. Some key questions will be:

• What is my personal and family history?

• How has family life changed or remained the same over time?

• How have changes in technology shaped our daily life?


Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

In Social and Emotional Learning we will be exploring self management. This includes managing our emotions and identifying positive strengths. A lot of what we include this term will be generalised social skills in preparation for returning to school. 


Specialist Classes:

Please see the Specialist page for their overviews.

Preps will do library borrowing on Tuesdays where students can borrow extra books each week provided they have returned their previous books. 


Please contact us if you have any questions or feedback and we look forward to chatting with you all each week and seeing the students in our daily Google Meets (except Thursdays as we are both onsite at school.) Happy learning!


Naomi Ryan (nee Curtis) au

Shannon Kearns au