Sporting Prowess
Boys Cricket
This term, the boys cricket team contained a variety of students from Years 5 and 6. Overall, the boys played well in their 7 games against a handful of schools in our district. The games had 16 overs altogether, with each player receiving 1 over of bowling and 2 overs of batting. Out of the 7 matches, 3 were won, however the team played their personal best in all their games. Our best game was the last game (against Saint Joseph) which was a nail biter - 99 to 91 with us on top.
Personally we think that the Izak was the best batter with approximately 60 runs throughout the season. The best bowler was probably Nick T, who got roughly 15 wickets through the course of the season. The most successful wicket keeper was Logan M who stumped about 3 batsmen and the best catcher was Tanner H for a few mind blowing catches throughout the season. Finally, the best fielder was George for being one of the most useful fielders. Thank you to all the players this year, we think that all of the boys did extremely well.
By Isum and Jonathan Yr 6
Girls Cricket
This term, a group of Years 5 and 6 girls competed in Interschool Cricket. It was a team of 9 girls and almost none of us had ever played cricket before. Andy coached us every Tuesday and Thursday lunch and taught us everything to know about cricket. We played against many teams and had lots of fun playing. Chloe was the best batter and Harman, Abbey and Louise were some of the best bowlers. Even though only 8 people can play a cricket match at a time that person who couldn't play had fun scoring. We played 8 games altogether and won four and lost four.
Some of the games we got injured, like Abbey got hit in the leg with a cricket bat, Jessica got hit with the ball on her chest and Chloe got hit in the face with the ball but we still had lots of fun. As we kept on playing we developed more skills and became friends with each others. The girls extremely enjoyed playing cricket and have learnt a lot about it. We can't wait to try out for next year and extend our knowledge about cricket.
Abbey and Jessica Yr 5
Boys Soccer
The Year 5/6 Interschool Soccer season went pretty well. Our first match was against Merymede, we lost 4-0. Luckily all our other games we won.
Highest scorer: Harris 9 goals
Most assists: Cristien 8 assists
Most saves: Reech
Our best game was against Hazelgen. We won 4-0 although they put on a lot of pressure. In the end we came second on the ladder with 7 wins and 1 loss.
By Harris and Cristien Yr 6
Girls Soccer
This term, the Year 5/6 girls soccer team has competed against 8 teams and only lost to one team. All the girls worked as team and showed a lot of good team work. We think the best goal keepers are Jess and Ava. We thank the girls so much for being on our team and the teachers Mat, Elise, Naomi and Josh. That's all for term 1 Interschool Sports Soccer team for girls.
By Jess and Leisha Yr 6