Super Sleuths
The Year 7/8 SANE students have been studying forensics. Michael D. adapted this murder mystery.
Two parents were going out one night and left their son Jordan in their round house with their chef, maid, gardener and butler. When they got back they found that Jordan had been murdered. The parents were in shock. The maid, chef, gardener and butler came running in to check what was going on. The father asked who did it. Rylee the gardener said “It couldn’t have been me, I was outside trimming the hedges.” Thulasi the maid said “It couldn’t have been me, I was too busy cleaning every corner of the house.” Lathika the Chef said “I didn’t do this, I was baking the cake you asked me to make for Jordan.” Samir the butler said “It was not me, I was too busy setting the table.”
The father knew straight away who was lying and called the police to arrest and take them away.
Who did the police arrest for Jordan’s murder?
Answer from the Threats to Biodiversity page:
What was the first animal introduced to Australia? The dingo was introduced to Australia around 4,000 years ago from Asia and led to the extinction of the Thylacine, or Tasmanian Tiger on the mainland of Australia.