Religious Education News
Leanne Wenckowski
Religious Education News
Leanne Wenckowski
Welcome back everyone for the 2020 school year. I have listed below some important dates for this year.
First Eucharist will be celebrated for the Year 3 students on Saturday 20th June at 2pm.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be celebrated for the Year 6 students on Friday 14th August at 6.30pm.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be celebrated for the Year 2 students on Saturday 24th October at 4.45pm or on Saturday 31st October at 4.45pm. More information about choosing a time will be sent home in Term 4.
During the year, a Year Level Mass is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month during school terms at the 11am Parish Mass. Please write the dates into your diary as it is expected that the participating levels attend the Mass allocated for their class level.
The dates for these Masses are as follows:
Sunday 1st March: Foundation Level
Sunday 3rd May: 1/2 Level
Sunday 7th June: 3/4 Level
Sunday 2nd August: 5/6 Level
Sunday 6th September: All Grades are invited to attend to celebrate Father’s Day.
Sunday 6th December: All Grades are invited to attend and prepare for the Season of Advent.