From the Principal
Dare I say it - we have nearly completed our $10.1 million capital works program.
Next week we will take possession of the last phase – 3 classrooms, new staffroom and a beautiful new and expanded entrance area to our library.
In terms of the funding from the project we have not been able to include landscaping. However we had planned for this potentially happening and will engage landscapers in term 2. Our wonderful Parents and Friends Association are supporting the landscaping with their fundraising activities this year which is very much appreciated.
I am very grateful to the State Government for acknowledging the need for improved facilities at GEC to better support our students in their learning and our teachers in their teaching.
All students Years 7 – 12 will have received their progress reports via XUNO and hopefully you will be able to attend parent teacher interviews in the last two weeks of term. Please discuss the progress reports with your child to assist them with planning for the next term.
There has been a great range of activities at the college this term - some of the highlights include:
- The Year 7 camp saw students engaging in an array of new experiences – and our staff too!
- Many students have represented the college in a number of interschool team sports.
- Our variety of lunch time and after school clubs and activities continue to grow. Activities such as drone and robotics clubs and a range of clubs and activities in the library are proving very popular with our students, as is the range of instrumental music opportunities including ensembles. There are also many staff coaching sports teams.
- Our wonderful Parents and Friends Association continue to promote our community at events such as the recent Party in the Park.
This week we celebrate Cultural Diversity Week, Harmony Day and Francophonie. Wednesday will be an opportunity for students and staff to wear orange, red or pink to celebrate Harmony Day. There are a range of activities at lunchtimes for students.
I hope you can attend the Parents and Friends Multicultural picnic at the College this Thursday. It is a great opportunity for parents to get to know each other.
School Council Elections
I am delighted to announce our new parent members of school council: Ruth Gordon, Johnathan Lock and Tracey Swiatlo. They join Julie Staunton, Laszlo Kiss and Kristen Skinner who are half way through their two year term as parent representatives.
Our staff representatives are: Jenny Sanchez, Aaron Petersen, Justine Douglas and Nick Hamer-Smith.
I thank all those retiring councillors for their superb work over the past year(s): Michael Polonsky, Paula Darvas and Vicki Williams. All the work of our councillors is valued.
We are always looking for ways to involve our parents in our community. Please contact me if you have ideas of how you would like to be involved. Our Parents and Friends group is an excellent way to meet other families and I encourage you to join.
Student Punctuality – Learning starts at 8.55am
We have a staff member on yard duty from 8.25am every day. All students should be at school by 8.40am at the latest. This provides them with enough time to say hello to friends, put their bags away and get their books for team, periods one and 2. Team meeting commences at 8.55am.
Many of our students make it comfortably to team by 8.55am. However there is an increasing number of students who do not. Unfortunately this is a situation that can have a negative effect on the education of not only those students who are late, but also the other students in the class.
What impact does being late have on the student?
Students who are late miss a lot of instructions and information about what is happening, not to mention important learning sessions. This means that they have to catch up somehow. Students also miss out on catching up with their friends in the playground before school. Students can feel unsettled, disorganized and unhappy for the rest of the day and it can take them some time to complete and understand the work that they have missed. It’s similar to being late to see a movie and not being able to understand what’s happening because you have missed out on who the characters are and what the plot is.
How does it affect the other students in the class?
Students who are late have an unsettling effect on the rest of the class. Because not all late students arrive at once, the interruptions go on until the last student is settled. Students who are late often have things that need to be done prior to them joining the class and this causes even more disruption. Sometimes other students have to wait to get the teacher’s attention and important issues can be forgotten.
Why does student lateness cause difficulties for the teacher?
The teacher has a certain amount of material and activities to cover each lesson. Also, organizational issues are usually dealt with at the beginning of the day. Teachers can become increasingly frustrated when late students continually and repeatedly interrupt their planned routines, as they have to stop teaching to deal with the issues involved.
We are all human. Cars can break down and unexpected situations can occur. We know that family morning routines are not always straightforward. If you are experiencing problems, speak to us, as we may be able to offer suggestions to help.
We are happy to accept that students will be late on the odd occasion because of unforeseen circumstances with a note from a parent or guardian. However, arriving late on a regular basis is not acceptable. Students who are late to school without a note from a parent will have to attend a lunchtime detention on the same day in Room 104. Failure to attend will result in attending a Friday after school detention.
A student who is half an hour late each day misses the equivalent of 16.6 days of learning each year.
You will read about the wonderful work our Year 9 students are doing in cleaning up St Kilda beach during the Year 9 Program later in the newsletter.
We received a wonderful telephone call recently from a member of the public. The person commented upon the outstanding behaviour of our students, how well they looked in their uniforms, how respectful they were when approached by members of the public and how hard they were working. Well done Year 9.
I wish you all a wonderful term break and look forward to a successful term 2.
Sheereen Kindler