
Magis update

Debating teams for the WADL season which starts in week 6 are now being finalised, but whilst some years have two or more teams, we need further members particularly at Year 9 level. Nominations close this week so names must be submitted by Tuesday. Our coaching panel for 2020 includes 2019 College Dux Rory Hewson and Charlie Griffiths, both of whom were recognised for their outstanding ATAR results at Wednesday’s 2019 High Achievers' Assembly.


This week sees the Magis-run House Spelling Championship. There are three age sections, Years 10-12, Years 8-9, and Year 7. All Magis and Altiora students are eligible to compete, plus each Homeroom may add three other good spellers to the team. There are 30 words taken from all the learning areas. Only the best three performances from each homeroom will count for points. The competition takes place during Homeroom time on Tuesday in the GBLT for Years 10-12, Wednesday in the  GBLT for Years 8-9 and Friday for Year 7 in their assembly area.


 It was great to see an excellent attendance from our 2020 Magis Committee at our meeting this week. Eighteen students from Years 8 to 12 are on the committee led by Year 12’s Ben Linsten (Magis Captain), Alex Panther, Lorian Marshall and Nick Brennan.


Nomination will be called this week  for two more top gifted student competitions,  Creative Edge Challenge which is open to students in Years 10 to 12 will be held at Curtin University on Saturday 28 March,  and  Da Vinci Decathlon to be held at UWA on 7 April for Years 7 and 8, and 8 April  for Years 9 to 11.  Another major gifted student event, TED-X,  is open to students in Years 10-12 and nominations close this week.  Gifted students may also be interested in the Ethic Olympiad which will be held at Aquinas in Term Two, unfortunately in the same weeks as the Perth Round of World Scholar’s Cup, but it is hoped that we can field a team in this for the first time. A flyer giving information is on the Magis noticeboard.


Last week a link was provided for the Magis 2020 Video, and this week there is a link to the 2020 Magis Handbook. Both of these should provide everyone with a better understanding of the opportunities offered in our gifted and talented program. All Magis and Altiora students have access to these via the group email resources, and other publications in this folder include the Magis Academic  Resources   Handbook, and Magis Competitions Handbook which details most competitions available in Australia.


Jim Miller

Magis Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator