Stephanie Alexander Kitchen 


Sonia Nista - Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Specialist

A huge welcome back from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen!

Term 2 starts off with a fun and exciting menu where our students will learn to make their very own Pasta! This is the perfect time for a pasta menu while Liz works on preparing our garden for all of the delicious winter veggies we will enjoy in the coming months. During this menu we will take a closer look at herbs, and the role that they play in adding flavour and aroma to our dishes.

Last week 4A and 4C started off with great success (and fun) creating delicious ribbons of fresh pasta, dressed in a bacon and herb topping, and a tomato sauce with Autumn greens. These two flavours were complimented by serving it with a lovely and tangy pear and parmesan salad. Yum!

Since last term we have a few more volunteers on board, so welcome and thank you to Belinda, Shivani, Paula and Robert. For any newcomers to the program, we do need 5 volunteers in each year 5/6 cooking class and 4 in any year 3/4 classes. Liz also welcomes any helpers to our gardening sessions too. Sometimes fresh eyes can offer a fresh perspective, so Liz and I welcome any suggestions or ideas anyone has to offer. Whether it's kitchen related or perhaps you have a great idea for the garden, please let us know!


If anyone is interested in volunteering in our program please contact me via Compass or contact our friendly office staff.