The Green Team

Alex Baxter & Elise Hawkins
Sustainability Team
Hashtag TrashTag
Have you heard of the "Trashtag Challenge?" For this challenge you take a photo of an area which has a lot of litter, then clean it up and take another photo. These before and after photos tagged with #trashtag have become a new viral trend on social media.
We think this challenge is a wonderful idea which could make a big difference to our environment and promote picking up rubbish in a positive way via social media. Our Green Team will be getting involved in this challenge and posting the photos to our kingswood Instagram page for everyone to see.
We would love our Kingswood community to get involved with this challenge. If you would like to get involved, please take before and after photos of your clean up efforts, then post them to Instagram. Tag your photos with #trashtag and tag the school Instagram account (@kingswoodps) and we will repost it on our Instagram story to celebrate your efforts. We will be giving out some prizes at assembly for the best photos.
Please remember that according to the official Instagram rules, students must be over 13 years old to have their own Instagram account, so it would be great if parents could post these photos on behalf of their children if you want to get involved.