Principal News

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

Friday, 7 June the staff of the College will be spending our annual Spirituality Day reflecting on our vocation Catholic education. Thinking about our role as educators being “called” . Our work is Blessed work, even Holy work! We had the assistance of staff from Marist Schools Australia to lead us on our reflection and our day concluded with Mass in our Chapel with Fr Christian. Last Tuesday, after school, staff worked with the Mercy Sisters until 6pm on similar themes. The College founders, Sisters of Mercy and Marist Brothers have much in common. Ideas connected to the theme are expressed below.

Holy Today!

I am ready to be approached by those who do not study me,

ready to be found by those who do not seek me.

I say, “I am here, I am here” to people who do not even invoke my names.

Isaiah 65.1

I am here! I am here!

If you have ever had a beach holiday it is surprising just how loud the sound of the waves crashing on the shore can be. By day, the sound of the waves can almost be missed amidst the other sounds, dazzling colours and energetic movement of beachgoers, bright flags, ball games, cawing seagulls or the glare of the dancing sun. Yet sitting on the sand at that magical time of twilight, the sound of the crashing waves begins to catch greater attention. As the fine mist of night begins to descend the volume seems to amplify. By nightfall, the sound can be heard with such intensity as to even keep a light sleeper awake. However, there is no volume control on the sound of the waves. It seems that we are simply more attuned or aware of its sound at some particular moments than at other times. We know the same can be true in our experience of God. Like the waves, there is no volume control that we can, or need to, turn up to hear or ‘experience the presence of God’. Like the sound of the crashing waves that are always there, so too God is always present to us - it’s just that sometimes we are more attuned or aware. Our theme of Holy Today! is an invitation to tune-in more to the presence of God in everyday life.

That is, to recognise the ‘sacred’ or presence of God in the beautiful ordinariness of life: listening to God speaking to us through a friend, feeling or sensing the presence of God in the warmth of the sun, the sound of a classmate playing the flute or the distinct call of the bellbird during a morning hike. It can be seen through the artistry of the tattoo artist, in the smell of citrus as you walk through an orange grove, or simply in the beauty of a small flower, or in the smile of a person walking by. Pope Francis highlighted that we don’t need to look any further than our own street to experience the presence of God: ‘I like to contemplate the holiness present in the patience of God’s people: in those parents who raise their children with immense love, in those men and women who work hard to support their families, in the sick, the elderly religious who never lose their smile. It is a holiness found in our next-door neighbours, those who, living in our midst, reflect God’s presence’ (Gaudate et Exultate n.7).

The prophet Isaiah reassures us that God is indeed present and continually offers a big shout-out to remind each of us, ‘I am here! I am here!’. As a Marist community let us take great comfort and encouragement knowing that God is with us, a God who continually draws us to true happiness through experiences of encounter and love in the blessed ordinariness of our lives. Everyday life. Everyday God. Holy today.


Over the last few weeks, Marian students have been busy learning. This learning has taken a variety of forms whether that be in the classroom, hiking on a Duke of Edinburgh excursion or learning on the sporting field. You will see the diverse range of opportunities offered throughout this newsletter issue.

Parents are encouraged to look for upcoming events via the School Calendar available on our website at This resource provides information including excursions, exam periods, parent evenings and assemblies. It can also be useful for forward planning for families in relation to term dates and holiday periods. Please keep referring to the calendar as it is regularly updated.

Peace and  best wishes




Alan Le Brocque