House Update

2020 has just begun and the Blackwood Knights are already on a roll! Continuing the momentum of some amazing efforts in chess and house debating from 2019, this year we can already feel that things around here...are a little different. With a new level of passion, the Blackwood Knights of 2020 have really set the tone for a historic year for the house! Chaahat, why don’t you tell us a little bit about the amazing things we’ve been seeing from Blackwood sports this past term?
Of course, I would love to! I obviously have to start off mentioning Blackwood’s historic win this year at the swimming carnival. In the nine years since the school has been opened, swimming carnival has been continuously won by only one house. That was until this year, when the talent of Blackwood was showcased, as our Blackwood Knights absolutely dominated the pool. We came, we saw and at the end of the day, we conquered - making school history! There was an incredible amount of participation and hard work from the Knights and our house spirit shone through, not only when we won the house chant, but throughout the whole day, by supporting and cheering on each other.
The next thing on our agenda was Athletics Carnival, in which our Blackwood pride was shown through our win of the house chant and the outstanding amount of involvement by our Knights. Although the day didn’t result in a win for us, the support, contribution and engagement from all of our Knights was what made it a memorable one.
Finally, I have to mention the incredible effort by our year 11 and year 12 volleyball teams in VCE sport this term. Not only did our teams have countless wins, but we were the only house to have both of our teams make the finals! Each and every player gave it their all, which resulted in a neck to neck final - in which both of our teams finished second.
Overall, Blackwood has been quite successful in all things sport this term, and I’m excited to see what we can do next!
Wow, the Blackwood knights are indeed doing the most out here and of course, we can’t write about the achievements of our house without mentioning our amazing year nines! As they are getting settled in, they’re already making waves within the house with their astonishing house spirit and their Primus Cup efforts. After weeks of constant competition and hard work, they achieved an incredible 2nd place finish!
As a whole, Blackwood has really set their foot in taking over 2020. It’s the little things that will take us to the top, and the house has proven their dedication to this with our first-place finish in homegroup trivia! Just goes to show that we have the brains and the #funfirst. ;)
With term two lurking in the shadows, we hope that the school is ready for what we’ve got coming, Uptown Girl? Me and the Man in the moon? Let’s show them what we’ve got,
Melvin Moncy & Andrea Setjadiningrat - Blackwood House Captains
Chaahat Kadian - Blackwood Sports Captain
Mr Moden – Head of House
Ms Green – Assistant Head of House
Let’s Get to Know Cottrell 2020
Introducing out Captains!
House Captains Rakshita Saharan Vaibhav Jain | Vice Captains Year11 vice- Jenny Tran Year10 Vice- Alex Jaison |
Sport Captain Nika Aquino | Chorals Captain Bethany Blackham |
Wellbeing Captain Dat Bui | Initiatives Captain Teagan Shan-Tate |
This year Cottrell has decided to work on our three core values (the 3C’s)
Students are encouraged to be dedicated to the house by signing up for events and ensuring that they turn up to it. They are encouraged to contribute Cottrell in as many ways possible and to just try their best.
Students are encouraged to take opportunities with both hands and not be scared to do so. They are encouraged to work outside their comfort zone, to help malke them a stronger person.
Students are encouraged to support their peers, especially during difficult times. ‘Old Cottrellians’ are encouraged to help the ‘New Cottrellians’ to settle in, making sure they know what the house is about.
Unfortunately we had a slow start to the year, coming last in the swimming sports. Not to be discouraged, we were able to turn this around for a second place at the athletics sports. This was due to a lot of hard work from our dedicated leaders and the rest of the Cottrell team. We only see ourselves getting better and better as the year goes on. If we all remember our “3C’s”, I can only see us getting better and better.
Cottrell Leadership Team
2020 began with Mr Pavlovic, our new house leader and the talented Miss Nguyen welcoming the new year 9 students with a production line style arts and crafts project. Out of cardboard and coloured paper, we made flames for our house mascot, the dragon. We are still finding glitter around the school 8 weeks later but they looked great and it was lovely to see the new students work together.
Unfortunately, our nine year winning streak at the Swimming Carnival couldn't become ten, despite the best efforts of our senior leaders. We must admit, the mood was glum but we learned a valuable lesson about initiative, cooperation and resilience.
Our loss in the pool definitely contributed to our victory on the track, and although the weather was cool during Athletics Day, the Kororoitians were on fire! A huge thank you once again to Miss Nguyen and her year 12 helpers who finally realised their vision to create a Chinese dragon costume which was a winner on fashions on the field.
We wish everyone a safe and healthy break. These are scary times but we need to stay hopeful and practice the common-sense advice from health professionals. Wash your hands, don't touch your face and keep a safe distance away from people. With that in mind though, remember to check in with each other over text, email, facetime or zoom. While it's important to be spacially distant, don't be socially distant. Look after yourselves mentally and also physically. It's important that you keep to a productive routine over the coming weeks, and also factor in time to be social (digitally), relaxed and active too.
Kororoit Leadership Team
Term One so far at school has been a thrilling ride, with Swimming Carnival and Athletics Carnival finished and Chorals coming up soon. At the moment, Kororoit is in the lead with 204 points, Blackwood is coming second with 191 points, Rothwell coming third with 178 points and Cottrell coming last with 177 points.
Blackwood won Swimming Carnival with fierce determination and Kororoit won Athletics Carnival persevering through all the challenges thrown at them. Rothwell, even though we are coming third, the leadership team still has faith that we will persist and can come back with a win at Chorals and end this year trying our best to win the House Cup.
On behalf of the leadership team, we would like to welcome all of the new students that came to our amazing school this year and we hope that you guys really enjoy and cherish your first year at Suzanne Cory High School. We would also like to thank the following students for their participation for Rothwell House at Swimming Carnival: Jade Nguyen, Adeleine Zuniga, Natalie Lam, Alysandra King, Sujeeth Gunasekaran, Aakriti Malhotra, Andrew Lam, Akira Prince, Jay Girn, Santhushi Gamalath and Amelie Barham.
From our Rothwell House Captain, Martin, volleyball was a great experience, playing with people from other schools who share the same love for volleyball as we all did. It was a great experience for the boys. I hope next year’s team trains hard to get that team chemistry that makes a volleyball team so strong. Six who are strong are stronger! Rothwell’s volleyball teams pulled out all the stops in all their games, and we’re grateful for their continued participation and enthusiasm to play. Thank you to everyone who supported us and to the Year 12s in the senior team - thank you for this win, we went out in our last year with a bang.
From our Rothwell Yr 11 SRC, Alice, Wednesday the 11th of March marked the start of the 2020 DAV debating competition. The first round was held at Williamstown High School, and Suzanne Cory started with a bang! At the debates, everyone gave it their all and did an incredible job. A special mention goes out to all of the Year 9’s who debated on Wednesday. It was fantastic to see so many of you get involved this early in the year. Suzanne Cory will have very talented debaters for the next 4 years. Much love to all the amazing DAV debaters! You made SCHS proud, and we are looking forward to seeing you ready and waiting for the next round!
On another note, Chorals is coming up soon and all the houses are working hard to prepare their songs in time for Chorals. This year the set song for all the houses is “Me and The Man in The Moon” by Cliff Edwards, and Rothwell’s chosen song is “Counting Stars” by OneRepublic.
Rothwell Leadership Team