Student News

Year 9 Primus Program 2020
In the first three weeks of the year, the year 9 students participated in the primus program to support their transition into the school.
They competed for house points in the Westgate Sports day, Scavenger Hunt around the school and the Build a Bridge competition using only straws and tape!
They also attended lessons based on growth mindset and academic expectations to help get them ready for the year ahead.
In week three the students went to the city and to learn about Homelessness in Melbourne. They also had the opportunity to try rock climbing and competed for more house points in the Amazing Race!
At the end of the program each home group produced a poster based on an area of academic interest (ie. Motivation, Memory and Time Management). These posters went on display for the ‘Meet the Teachers’ evening on Tuesday 18 February.
All of the year 9 students should be proud of their achievements during their transition period into the school.
Mr Moden
Year 12 Careers Update
Year 12 Blackwood and Cottrell students have attended individual careers counselling appointments across Term 1. In Term 2, Year 12 Kororoit and Rothwell will be invited to appointments.
All Year 12 students will submit a Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC) application from Monday 3 August in Term 3. This application allows students to list eight course preferences from universities across Victoria. Students may adjust their courses preferences once they have submitted the application, including the opportunity to change after ATAR results are released.
I will guide Year 12 students through the VTAC process throughout 2020, and into 2021 to ensure students are making wise tertiary study and career pathway decisions.
Before applications open in Term 3, students should explore their course and career options, and discuss these decisions with their family and friends. The following link can help students to make these decisions:
VTAC Course Search: Victorian course options
Joboutlook: Australian government employment statistics
Mr Taig
High Notes! News & Updates from Term 1
Welcome to all of our music families and especially to our new music families from the us here at the SCHS music department. We have made a great start to the year with our numbers for all ensembles up due to the excellent new students that we have received this year. All lesson and programs have successfully commenced and are developing works in many different areas and genres. Even in this time of uncertainty, playing music and celebrating music with our friends and families is a great way to connect with others, even in social distancing. Remember, this what people did before the internet or TV!
With restrictions put in place about the types of and numbers at gatherings, we unfortunately had to cancel our recent Soiree Series 1, that was due to be held on March 16. If we have the opportunity will certainly hold this event in the short term if able as our many performing students and staff are well prepared to play this concert. We will keep you posted. The best place to obtain information about our program and events here at SCHS is through Compass, so please observe the notices section on this publication regularly. We have many wonderful events scheduled for term two and three and we will keep you up to date with our progress in holding these events.
Goodbye to Ms Pam Scott
It is with great regret and heavy hearts that we farewell one of our most appreciated members of the Music Faculty and indeed the School, Ms Pamela Scott, who is after many years of wonderful service retiring at the end of this term. Ms Scott has been a mainstay in many schools in the western region as a string teacher and conductor and is responsible for many of the successful string programs in our schools here. She has been a foundation member of Suzanne Cory High School and has been involved in our journey of music-making from the beginning to where we are now. I would like to, on behalf of the staff, student sand school community, say thank you to Ms Scott for her outstanding service over many years and wish her all the very best in her retirement.
Tony Paye
English Faculty - News and Updates from Term 1
Year 9 and 10 English- Term 2 Texts
By now, Year 9 and 10 English students should have all nominated a preferred text and been assigned a reading group for Term 2.
In Term 2, Year 9 students will take part in Literature Circles, in which small groups independently read and discuss one of six different books. Students will develop their analytical, critical thinking and discussion skills throughout the term.
Year 10 classes are undertaking a Literature Project, which involves reading and researching one of six texts. The final assessment will be a research essay due at the end of Term 2. Our excellent library staff have worked overtime preparing the books for collection so that they can be read over the holidays.
These books are all fantastic reads ranging from popular to classic, from non-fiction to graphic novel. We would love for parents to get involved and have a read as well.
Year 12 English - Toni Jordan Visit
Earlier this term, Year 12 English students were lucky enough to receive a visit from local author Toni Jordan. Toni spoke to the students about her novel, Nine Days, which is the set text for their Unit 3 creative writing assessment. Toni was extremely generous in revealing her writing tips and techniques, and answered dozens of detailed questions from the students about each and every character in the text. Needless to say, there were many inspired pieces of writing as a result.
Creative Writing Competitions
All English classes have been busy completing creative writing assessments this term. Students have exercised a great deal of thought in crafting their responses and teachers have been amazed by the number of highly talented writers hiding within the school population.
There are several writing competitions for students currently accepting submissions. Our students have successfully submitted assessment pieces, as well as their own personal work, to the Williamstown Literary Festival Young Adas (deadline March 29). There is also the Write4Fun competition which offers cash and prizes (deadline April 30). Students should see their English teacher for advice.
Glenn Kellam
Head of English
It’s competition time! There are a number of film and photography competitions currently open, with some fantastic prizes up for grabs. Please contact Ms Hall if you would like assistance or additional information about any of the competitions.
2) Groundswell School Competition 2020
4) 1 Minute Film Competition 2020
5) Young Filmmakers of Wyndham Competition
Student Representative Council
The Student Representative Council (SRC) started the year off with our annual home group picnic allowing students to come together and fully embrace their home groups as well as creating a fun environment in which the new students could get to know each other and their home group. There were definitely some delicious snacks to be seen and though many photos could not be taken we hope the memories made are plentiful!
We have also begun planning for some exciting events such as the intensely competitive staff vs student week as well as a new well-being based project called Elevate in collaboration with Samrawit and Nathania which hopes to create a fun and relaxing environment to unwind. So keep an eye out everyone there are fun things coming your way!!
Harleen and Fariba SRC Chairs
Wellbeing News
We recently said farewell to Ms Boon Chin Oh, our psychologist from the wellbeing department. We are grateful for the time she was here to lend support to our Student Support Services team.
On a brighter note, we are happy to have further additions to our canine brood joining our resident therapy dog, Zaija. “Tessa” is an 18 month old, brown/black Staffy-Jack Russell cross rescue female dog, adopted by the Paye family, “Arlo” 18 week old, blue male American Staffordshire Bull Terrier (with special blue eyes) and “Yoda” also 18 week old male, Chocolate Labrador who has boundless energy. These therapy-dogs-in-training are more than happy to sit by students during counselling sessions or to just be patted outside class times for those who are experiencing stress. Anyone, including staff are also welcome to come and say hello whenever they are free.
On a more serious note, during this time of uncertainty and everyone’s focus on staying safe amid the Coronavirus outbreak, the Student Support Services team will endeavour to provide continuous support through e-counselling service in the event that the school should close for any period of time outside holiday break. Further details on how to access and guidelines for use will be posted on Compass. Meanwhile, some of the information can be found under the Wellbeing Portal through Compass. Most of all, we hope that everyone exercise self-care and ensure they are giving equal time to their physical/hygienic and mental wellbeing.
Ms Paye
Student Wellbeing Counsellor (Student Support Services)