Aussie's of the Month - November

Well done to all our Aussie's of the month for November.

Foundation - Alyssa C 0KW

Alyssa is a most valuable member of OKW who has shined in Foundation. A friendly and co-operative student, she has approached all aspects of school life with enthusiasm and can be relied on to try her best at all times. Congratulations Alyssa, you should feel very proud of yourself.  


Year 1 - Bentley B 1/2E

Bentley is a thoughtful and friendly student who treats everyone with kindness and respect. He enjoys school and always tries his hardest. Bentley is a great helper around the classroom and is very proud of the improvement he made during remote learning. He has a gentle nature and is a well-liked member of the classroom. Well done Bentley, keep up the great work! 



Year 2 - Keira G 1/2E

Keira is a kind and respectful student who consistently displays our school values. She is enthusiastic about all of her learning and we enjoyed seeing her smiling face in Webex during remote learning. Keira consistently demonstrates respect towards all students and teachers. She is a wonderful friend to her peers and a valued member of 1/2E. Congratulations Keira, keep up the great work!


Year 3 - Kira H 3/4F

Kira is an enthusiastic student who has an admirable work ethic. Her work is always completed on time and to the best of her ability. Kira is respectful and polite at all times, to both her teachers and her peers. She is kind and compassionate and consistently demonstrates our school values. Congratulations Kira. 

Year 4 - Ben H 3/4F

Ben is an enthusiastic student who has an admirable work ethic. His work is always completed to the best of his ability and he loves the challenge of extension tasks. Ben has a quick wit, which is appreciated by his peers and he is always polite and respectful to all. He is an asset to 34F. 

Year 5 - Mackenzie N 5TJ

Mackenzie is a kind and friendly member of 5TJ who is always polite and respectful to others. She is an enthusiastic learner who tries her best at all learning tasks. Mackenzie is always asking questions to enhance her learning and takes on feedback given to her. Congratulations Mackenzie.

Year 6 - Cassie Mc

We are so proud to have Cassie as a member of 6MR. She I kind hearted and inclusive of her peers, particularly making sure our newest class member feels welcome and has a friend to play with. We love seeing her warm smile each day. Cassie always tries her best and produces work to an excellent standard. Congratulations on a terrific last year of primary school Cassie.

 Art - Year 3 Olivia M 3/4K

Olivia is always ready to work when she enters the art room. She asks questions of interest and shows initiative when trying new concepts. Olivia willingly helps others and shows compassion towards other students’ artwork. She should be proud of the high standard work she produces. Well done, Olivia.