
Integrity holds strong at Bimbadeen


Upon returning to school this term, it has been pleasing to note the way in which our students have been working hard to show integrity. Integrity means doing the right thing, even when it’s hard or no one is looking. 


Students have been persisting to revise concepts taught throughout the remote learning period and work towards their set goals this term. This is the Bimbadeen way!


We are excited to be able to share the news that our integrity cylinder, located in the office foyer, is now overflowing with blue tokens! 


This means that students have earned a special whole school reward, in the form of a Crazy Hair Day. 


This day will take place on Wednesday 2nd December.

 We can’t wait to see the many weird and wonderful hairstyles! 

(Please note that full school uniform is to be worn on this day).  


Our Respect cylinder is also nearing the top….keep up the great work everyone!


Miss Cook