Scotsburn News 

Great 1st Week Back

We had a wonderful 1st week of term 4. The kids all arrived at school with smiles on their faces and were clearly excited to be back with their friends. It was so nice to see them all adjusting to school routines and settling back into learning in the classroom. A huge thanks to all of our incredible families who helped with this process by ensuring that the kids were well organised with their book boxes and in such a positive frame of mind. Well done everyone. 

100 Days of School

SC1 had a wonderful return to the classroom for Term 4! Students have settled in well, and it has been great to see the students enjoying being with their friends again and adapting back to our school routines. 


On Friday we had the chance to celebrate 100 Days of School, as we were remote learning when the actual day came around last term. Students came dressed up as ‘100’ theme related ideas, it was spectacular to see all the effort that students and families went to, creating a funny and unusual scene in the classroom. 


Making and eating an ice-cream cake that included ‘100’ lollies and needing ‘100’ stirs finished off a fun day of celebration! A big thank you to everyone for sending in a bag of ‘100’ things, we all enjoyed investigating the capacity of each bag.       

2021 Organisation

Although we have just entered term 4 of 2020, we also have an eye on 2021. If you are planning on not sending your child back to the Scotsburn Campus in 2021, please contact Shaun ASAP. 

Operation Sunflower

On Monday, students form the Scotsburn campus got involved with Operation Sunflower! Students worked together in two classrooms and created an individual planter using recycled egg cartons, planted a seed in soil and will now patiently wait for the sunflowers to germinate. Operation Sunflower is aimed at brightening up our school in what has been a challenging year for everyone. Keep an eye out for where you might see these bright plants pop up!        

Social Distancing of Adults

Visitors to the school grounds will again be limited to those delivering or supporting essential school services and operations.  As such, parents are only to go beyond the school gate if absolutely necessary.  No parents should enter classrooms until further notice.  Please email or phone if there is something you need assistance with. Parents must also be conscious of not congregating outside the school grounds at the beginning and end of each school day. 

School Hats

A reminder that in Term 4, hats are compulsory for all students. 


Our new Boomwhackers have been very positively received up at Scotsburn! We had lots of fun experimenting with the sounds we can make and trying out some tutorials and will be starting some of our own compositions next week! 


Students are most welcome to research and suggest play-alongs on YouTube to warm up with next week! 

Friday Rotations 

Our first rotation for Term 4 will be on the (30th Oct). Our groups will be doing the following:

Term 4 - Lunch Order Roster 

A reminder that lunch orders will only be available for Scotsburn students on a Wednesday in Term 4. 


A big thanks to the wonderful ladies in the office who have offered to bring them up for the kids. 

Important Dates

Monday 19th - 23rd October - Book Week Scotsburn

Thursday 22nd October - Footy Colours Day

Friday 23rd October - AFL GF / Thank you Day - Public Holiday - Student Free Day

Friday 30th October - Book Club Issue 7 - Orders Close

Tuesday 3rd November - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday - Student Free Day

Friday 27th November - Japanese Theme Day

Friday 4th December - Reports Available 

Tuesday 8th December (1pm-6pm)- Parent Teacher Interviews 

Thursday 10th December (4pm-6pm) - Parent Teacher Interviews

Friday 18th December - Term 4 Finishes - 1.30pm dismissal