Teaching & Learning 

Changes to Learning Program for Term 4

In light of the very different learning that our students have encountered this year, the Department of Education has made some significant changes to the way in which schools will go about their teaching and learning program in Term 4.


It has been acknowledged that during our periods of remote learning there were students who struggled and those who have thrived. It is a departmental focus for schools to support those who have disengaged with learning through flexible and targeted teaching and also further extend those who have thrived through careful planning of challenging tasks.

Changes to our teaching program:

Focus on English and Maths (and Specialists learning areas):

During Term 4 schools have been asked to primarily focus on teaching English and Maths. The usual practice of teaching across 8 learning areas has been suspended until 2021.

In order to support student engagement, teachers will be using the Inquiry though lines as a way of crafting purposeful learning opportunities.


In addition, our specialist learning programs will continue to shine a light on the importance Sport, the Arts and Languages plays in providing a well rounded education.

Targeted Assessments:

At the conclusion of 2020, teachers will be making  judgements against the Victorian Curriculum in the areas of English and Maths. This has unearthed a number of challenges, which we are working hard to overcome. As a school we have a plan to conduct targeted assessments in these areas after the students have re-engaged with the rigours of learning at school. Given the very different learning that has taken place this year, we will be relying on a very narrow data set on which to make judgements. Obviously this is not ideal, but the best of a challenging situation. There will be an opportunity for parents and teachers to discuss the assessments and reports at the conclusion of the year.

Streamlined End of Year Reports:

Our end of year student reports will once again be modified in light of the learning that has taken place this year. The reports will be made available in Week 9 on Compass and an opportunity for parents and teachers to chat in the following week.

The end of year reports will consist of:

  • A curriculum statement outlining what was taught in English and Maths.
  • A teacher judgement based against the Victorian Curriculum in English and Maths.
  • A general comment that reflects on the different learning that has taken place this semester and reflects the personal and social capability.
  • A curriculum statement and personalised comment from each of the specialist learning areas.
  • A judgement from specialists regarding student engagement during remote learning.

Student Excellence Program

At the conclusion of last term, a number of students participated in some enrichment activities specifically designed to challenge students who require extension with their learning. These were a great success with students coming away with great ideas and an excitement in their learning.


Once again, this term there will be a number of activities available for students to participate in. Students are nominated by their teacher to take part in the sessions. 

Over the coming weeks we have the following sessions taking place:


Biomimicry: The opportunity to participate in a session that focuses nature inspired innovation. How can we use the lessons from nature to solve human problems?


Ocean Scratch: Students will explore innovative solutions using technology to combat Ocean Sustainability impacts on the ocean


A Lesson from the past - Coal Creek School 1890: Beaming live from the Old School House at Coal Creek Community Park and Museum, students will be able to compare and contrast their school lives to that of a student in an 1890's Victorian School. 


The Coding Challenge: 


We look forward to hearing from students who participate in these sessions.