Year 10 Work Experience - Medical Research Program

We are excited to let you know that WEHI (the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research) has launched our new Secondary School Work Experience Program, and hope that you can share this news with interested students.
Key points:
- Year 10 students aged 15 and over can now apply for the Secondary School Work Experience Program (applications close 28 March 2022).
- The five-day program (12–16 September 2022) is capped at 24 students to maximise access to key lab equipment and deliver a quality learning experience.
- We welcome applications from students with diverse backgrounds and life experiences.
Visit for more detailed program information and how to apply.
We look forward to receiving applications from your students.
Associate Professor Wai-Hong Tham and Dr Keely Bumsted-O'Brien
Co-chairs, WEHI Secondary School Work Experience Committee