Kids Corner

The “Kids’ Corner” section of our school newsletter provides the opportunity for the children to showcase their talents or communicate something special. 


This fortnight, Yashvi, Yash and Zarah - Year 4, would like to share some of their narratives:



High Jump – by Yashvi 


I walked into the gym; my heart was beating like a tyrannosaurus rex. I was waiting for the treacherous high jump eager to do it like a burning fireball. I couldn’t keep my cool, I closed my eyes, sitting down on the floor with the teacher explaining. 
I line up with the other kids eager to do an amazing jump. Finally, it was my turn, I ran, feeling the sweat in my palms, racing towards the bar, my feel as fast as a horsefly. I was like a cannonball! When I went over the bar, I didn’t even open my eyes, I landed gently on the mattress and then opened them.
I did it, I went over the 80cm bar, and I was in the top 8 in the school!



My Time at the Park – by Yash


Learning Intention – “To create a memoir using Show don’t Tell”
I entered the oval, parked my bike and started to warm up. I stretched my arms and ran around. It took me three minutes to get the ball and then out it down. I was ready!
I got the ball and started playing. SWING! The ball went to the other side of the nets and out of court. The tip of my bat slowly and smoothly pushed against the blades of grass.
It was my turn to bowl; I ran over and threw the ball. Bang! My dad hit the ball, it sounded like an earthquake that lasted for a second.
I packed up all the cricket equipment and left the oval. I felt as if I was a couple of meters away from the sun. I was heated up to a very high temperature. 


Thinking of a Memoir – by Zarah


I take my book out of my minty tub. It feels as light as a feather. My sharpened traditional quill felt like carrying mist as though it was not there. Now I will use my brains to think this out.
My brains burns, I feel the smoky fire alight. I feel my thinking and my veins move like its running. I think as hard as a brick that’s falling on gravel. I feel my body disappearing to the dark. My soul is leaving my small body, I think, “I’m too old to die!”
I’m confused as though I’m an ant in a new city. I want to think about an idea that’s not gross but all I can think about is vomit and wonky teeth.
I finally decide to make an amazing, most spectacular memoir. I know it’s as great as the Mona Lisa paining ‘It’s ART!’
I discover this amazing concept of my brain which is as smart as a lion. It’s an out of the box brain, it’s thinking of a memoir!