Assistant Principal's Report

By Roland Lewis


Term One is always an exciting term of learning in schools.  Returning to a new classroom, with a new teacher and new peers brings a mixture of emotions.  At GWPS, we work really hard to ensure that every child feels at home as part of the GWPS family.  To help achieve this, our first units of learning focus heavily on the personal and social capabilities – this year with the thread of Identity.


At our school, we have deliberately designed the curriculum so that the learning flows from one year to the next.  With a thread of Identity, this allows our student to explore the concept of identity to increasingly deeper levels as they progress from Prep, through to Year Six.


Year LevelInquiry Questions guiding learningUnited Nations Sustainability Goal (Global Goal)

Who am I as a learner at GWPS?


Students in Prep will explore the topic ‘Who am I as a learner at GWPS?’, through the Global Goal lens of Health and Well-Being. They will discover how making positive connections with their peers, forming friendships, exploring the school and making connections can contribute to improved wellbeing. They will develop an understanding of The Learning Pit and learn how to use positive self-talk to overcome challenges in the pursuit of success.  Our Preps will also build a sense of belonging to a school community and the

importance of being a respectful learner. 


Good health and wellbeing
Year 1

How do our strengths influence others?


Students explore their own personal strengths, then explore how their unique attributes can positively impact on collaborative groups. They will discover skills and strategies for effective collaborating and make connections to how their strengths can make them ‘super heroes’ and positively impact those in the community around them.

Peace, justice and strong institutions
Year 2

How can our strengths have a positive impact in our community?


Students will discover how a deeper understanding of their strengths, such as their personal, academic, social and physical strengths contribute to improved wellbeing. They will work towards defining what a community is and identify the various communities they belong to. This will then allow them to explore how they contribute to those communities and the impact their actions have on themselves and others. 

Good health and wellbeing
Year 3

How to influences impact our wellbeing and relationships?


Students will explore how Health, Personal and Social Capability connections with the Global Goal 2 of ‘Zero Hunger.’ They will learn about the relationships that they have with themselves and others and how these relationships can influence their social and emotional wellbeing. 

Zero hunger.
Year 4

How do we manage outside influences on our health?


Through the lens of Health and Personal & Social Capabilities, students will investigate emotional and mental health on a personal, local, national and global scale.  By exploring the Global Goal “Good Health and Wellbeing,” students will be using the question ‘What is Good Health?’ to learn about how we can ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for lifelong skills.

Good health and wellbeing
Year 5

How do we develop as a whole child in a global context?


This focus allows for an exploration into multiple perspectives throughout history, more importantly how children were nurtured and developed during different eras.  After returning from camp, the learning will focus on historical inequalities in Australia, the cross-generational effect and the way our country is working on reducing these inequalities.

Reduced inequities
Year 6

How do we develop as a whole child in a global context?


Year 6 students will investigate the meaning of the whole child, global context and development. They will complete this investigation through the lens of Global Goal 3, ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’, where they will analyse different aspects of themselves; inclusive of their emotions, personal values and cultural influences.

Good health and wellbeing

So, what does this look like?