Year 1/2–Celebrating Learning

1/2 - Mainstream 

We have become authors of some beautiful poetry! We have written sensory, list, acrostic and shape poems, and published some of these for others to enjoy. The students have also been immersed in a drama taking place in Thistle Mountain. As the townsfolk, the children must solve the problem of a giant who throws tantrums by working together and finding solutions as a community.


Well done on a great start Year One and Two! 


Class One Steiner &  Class Two Steiner

Class One has started a maths Main Lesson, ‘The Quality of Numbers’. Students are solving maths riddles and learning to skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. We continue to build knowledge of place value, supported by strategies such as ‘counting on’, ‘trusting the count’ and ‘think big, count small’. In Writing, we have begun our Writer’s Notebook, where students have been learning how to describe a seed by using their senses. In Reading, we continue with our  Reading Groups and students are practise finding a ‘just right’ book in independent reading time.

Class Two has been exploring our third main lesson for the year: place value, following on from our Deadly Days and Fables main lessons. This main lesson, inclusive of morning circle content, cultivates a love of numbers, skip counting, and most importantly, builds a deep understanding of place value and the meaning of numerals placed in a given order. We are beginning to explore vertical addition and subtraction as part of this. Our literacy focus has included exploring vocabulary, developing our comprehension skills, as well as practising handwriting with letters on the baseline and correct letter sizing. 


In both Class One and Two our morning circles have begun to include Autumn songs and poems, as well as maths games and counting practice. The children are continuing to develop their singing, painting, drama, and movement skills through our weekly rhythm designed around head, heart and hands.