Hi Everyone,


Hope you had a wonderful week and looking forward to  the weekend! Thoughts again to those in ISO!


Thank you again to those who have volunteered to be on the PFA this year.  We appreciate you putting your hand up.  

Here are your PFA members thus far:

Monique Jeffery (President/Year 1&5), Tanya Jhoomun(VP/ Year 5),

Caroline Scates  (Secretary/Year 3&6), Stephanie Pieske (Treasurer/Year 5), 

Melissa Joseph (Prep), Meagan Baker (Grade 1&5), Amanda Rewi-Wenti (Prep), Nicola McGuire (Year 2), Gabriella Carrazzo (Year 4), Amy Martin (Year 4), Kristin Bell (Year 5), Vilma Del-Ben  (Year 6), Liz Robb (Year 6) and Kristin Greengrass (Year 6).


It's not too late if you would still like to volunteer please email PFA Secretary- Caroline Scates:


Get ready for the Easter Raffle!! Your child should have received the Raffle ticket Book of 10 to sell- $1 per ticket or $10 for the book.  Only ONE Easter Egg Donation per family this year.  Extra ticket books will be at the office!

Come on everyone let's make it the best Raffle yet!

Please see the flier below for all the Info:

Have a great weekend everyone.

PFA 2022