Student Wellbeing 

Paul Lock

Wellbeing Coordinator

The first term is racing by and students are feeling the pressure of assignments and tests to complete. Mask wearing in class is loved by few but we are all working to protect each other as best we can, and continue to adjust to the needs of managing COVID-19 challenges.


We marked International Women’s Day on the 8th of March with a dedicated lesson in Health and Wellbeing classes. It was a common question that, yes, we also have an International Men’s Day which we will covered with a similar discussion. 


I was surprised to learn that women in Australia have only been formally recognised as Farmers since 1994. Currently 55% of university Agricultural Science students are female indicating both a genuine interest and coming influx of women into the Agricultural sector. We learnt that on current trends women are not likely to reach full equality with men for another one hundred years. Our challenge is to speed up this process, learning to hear, value and incorporate women’s input at all levels society. 


Crucially, working hard to ensure the safety of women and girls as worldwide, as one third reported being physically and/or sexually abused in the past 12 months by an intimate partner they once trusted.  As a staff we are pushing to eliminate sexist remarks in the classroom, creating spaces where girls feel equal and safe to speak up and exceed. 


Updated Positive Behaviour Culture Policies and Procedures

Our revised Positive Culture Behaviour Policies and Procedures can be viewed on the school website as a formalisation of the changes I summarised in the previous Chatter. These changes have been developed in collaboration with all staff and endorsed by the College Board. 


If you have any questions about tour behaviour management processes or policies, please do not hesitate to contact me here at the College to discuss as I am here to support all students to succeed.


Updated College Guidelines

The College Guidelines have been updated on our College website. Please note the updated changes include:

  • Positive Behaviour Culture Policy and Procedures (page 13-20)
  • Smoking, E-Cigarettes and Vaping Policy and Procedures (page 46)

You can locate our full College Guidelines document on our Website - Western Australian College of Agriculture Cunderdin | Policies and Procedures (


Wellbeing Team

Our Wellbeing Team has grown this year and our School Chaplain, Michelle Diver, continues to do a fantastic job helping students through their challenges. We are also well linked with external services when additional assistance is required. 


As always, if you have any concerns or queries regarding your students wellbeing please call the College or email me at