From the Principal 

Matt Dowell


Oliver McLeary Support

A few weeks ago, 2021 graduate Oliver McLeary single-handedly saved a prized herd of cattle on Murray Williams' Yongerellen Red Poll Stud near Corrigin where he has been managing the farming enterprise. Unfortunately while Oliver was saving the herd, the house that he only just set up as his first home was lost in the fire.


Our generous staff have passed the hat around and generously donated $725 of their own money to assist Oliver to get back on his feet. Our Student Councillors are also planning a fundraiser next Wednesday with a Free Dress Day and Special Dinner where money raised will go straight to Oliver. In addition, I will be taking a ute full of students on Saturday out to Yongerellen to assist with a community working bee.


If you would like to see the ABC Rural article on Oliver's heroic efforts, you can click here.

ABC Rural News Story
ABC Rural News Story


Updated Guidelines and Definitions for Close Contacts

Yesterday I emailed all parents and students a letter outlining the definitions for close contacts in a residential boarding facility. Students who are deemed non-household close contacts are able to continue to attend school and stay in the residential facility (with some added-extra quarantine requirements). I ask that families read this information carefully and discuss the quarantine requirements with their child so they are aware of their obligations should they continue to attend school and stay in boarding. Families may wish to keep their child at home and if so the College will continue to provide work under our 'Continuation of Learning Process'


Additionally, please let the College know if your child tests positive via a RAT or PCR test or are deemed a close contact at all. 


Japanese Encephalitis (JE) Virus 

In late February 2022 Japanese encephalitis (JE) was detected in piggeries in Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland and now in South Australia. There are no confirmed detections in Western Australia (WA).


JE is an acute mosquito-borne viral disease that can cause reproductive losses and encephalitis in susceptible species. Pigs and horses are the most commonly affected animal species.


The College has a mosquito management plan in place. Students with horses on site have been contacted and encouraged to consider the use of topical sprays, lightweight rugs and fly masks on horses to prevent mosquito bites. Should JE enter WA, families may wish to consider not agisting their horses on site given the proximity to our piggery.


I will keep you posted of any further developments in this space should JE make its way to WA.


Principal's Position

There has been a delay in process for the Principal position appointment. I have been extended in the role for Term 2 and will keep you posted once the process has been finalised.


Thank You

I would like to thank everyone in our College community for their understanding and support as we navigate these rapidly changing times. We are heading into a period where we will have casual staff supply challenges requiring us to make short-term adjustments to the way we go about things across all areas of the College, including the kitchen and residence. We will always prioritise student duty of care, wellbeing and safety.


Wishing you all a great weekend ahead and stay safe.