Solemnity of the Annunciation


This coming Friday, 25 March, is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, and on this day Pope Francis will Consecrate the nations of Russia and Ukraine to Our Lady, and has asked all Bishops and others across the world to join him in prayer on this day. 


We take this opportunity to ask the school community to pray for peace in this part of the world. Maybe you might pray a decade of the Rosary with the children, or some other form of Marian prayer to join Pope Francis in this intention. (BCM)


 Date Class
Week 9Friday 25th Year 3
Week 10Friday 1st AprilWhole School (Easter Holiday)

Sacrament Dates


Reconciliation  Wednesday May 11th  (10am after parish Mass)
First CommunionWednesday  20th July 6pm 
Confirmation Friday August 19th 5.30pm