
KidsTown Easter Volunteers
KidsTown are looking for student volunteers for all four days of the Easter Long weekend in April, to fill various roles as part of the KidsTown Easter Adventure. Volunteers will be provided with lunch, cold drinks or tea/coffee, a hat & volunteer t-shirt and Easter eggs! See event flyer attached for more information:
Power Savings Bonus $250
Many eligible households are still to apply for the State Government Power Savings Bonus of $250. The program has been extended until 30th June 2022. For more information and eligibility please see attached:
Tallygaroopna Tennis
Come & try Tennis Thursday 21 April - gold coin entry; free sausage sizzle -
Section Times:
New Beginners 9am
Intermediates 10am (Ability to serve) Experienced Players 11am
For more info see attached; or email or call Jon 0448 064 086
Mooroopna Cats
GSSC Netball Club 2022
Seeking Expressions of Interest - players, coaches, team managers, committee members. Contact Gina 0434 572 757 or email
Girgarre Open Gardens
Girgarre & Surrounds - Open Gardens Festival Sunday 4th April 2022!
Congupna Auskick
Commences Thursday 28 April 4-5pm at Congupna Recreation Reserve; Contact Scott Thorn 0427 142 133 for more information
Shepparton City Soccer Club
Training has started! Under 12’s & Under 14’s Wednesdays .. Open Girls & Under 16’s Thursdays All training is at Victory Park, St Georges Road 4.30-6pm New Players Welcome Fees are $150 for the season Queries to:
Like our Facebook page Shepparton City Soccer Club to stay up-to-date.
or more info:
Congupna Netball Club Jnr
Inviting interested U13 players to join our Junior Training Sessions every Monday 5.15pm. For further information see attached:
Berry Street
Want help you with school costs?
Contact Richard Pemberton on 0407 567 312 or : Read on:
Foster Care:
For information on how you can help:
Kinship Carer Conversations:
Online Support & Social Group - see attached for more information: