Welcome to the 2022 SRC  

On Friday, March 18th, the 2022 SRC attended an ‘Immersion Day’, spending the day getting to know each other, learn new skills and plan for the upcoming year. 

The day was run by the College Captains and Co-Captains, Rohan Pettigrove, Cai Venn, Emily Smith, Annabelle Walker and Alex Gardner. They were ably assisted by other experienced SRC members.


After the proceedings were opened by Mr. Ferra, students were guided through Leadership skills and ‘Getting-to-know-you’ activities. Working in teams they learnt the essentials of running an effective assembly. They workshopped ideas and then presented their ‘assembly’ to the whole group - a first attempt at public speaking for some!

Later in the day - after being fed exceptionally well - students engaged in brainstorming ideas that they would like to support throughout the year. Their aim is to enhance the school experience for students, both within and outside of the classroom.


There is still an enormous amount of work to be done, but the group has now built a foundation of friendship across the year levels, learnt new skills, developed an ability to work together…and  common aims for 2022.


They are a great group of future leaders. McClelland College will be enriched by their efforts in 2022.


Jenny Holt

SRC Coordinator


Note: If any student at Years 8 or 10 feels they would like to become a member of the SRC, there are still a couple of vacancies. Speak to one of the College Captains, or Mrs. Holt (‘A’ Building staffroom)