VCAL News 

 VCAL hits the Grand Prix!

For the first time in our College’s history, the entire VCAL program will attend the Melbourne Grand Prix on Thursday April 7th. Years 10, 11 and 12 will attend the “Driving Learning” Program with all teaching staff and Learning Support Assistants. This is an amazing chance to celebrate the busy term we have had and experience a world class event at the tip of its industry. The day will include public transport (train and tram) from Frankston to Albert Park. 


Please make sure you have consent and payment ($5) sorted ASAP!

TAFE Information

It has been a very busy term for TAFE across all three year levels. If you are absent for a session, you need to call the school (9788 2030) and authorise the absence with the school.


Attendance at your VET course is a compulsory part of your VCAL program and constant communication is required.

SWL Information

Our VCAL program allows each student a day a week to complete their work placement (or Structured Workplace Learning SWL). If you are concerned that you (or your student) are not active enough in this space, get in touch and we can organise SWL at the school. We have a perfectly good cafe ready to be utilised each day!

Year 10

Point Nepean Hike 

(written by Year 10 student, Stewart Flynn)

The walk took place on the fourth of March twenty twenty two. It was around an 8.8 kilometre walk from quarantine station to the Fort the walk took around 3 or 4 hours. Around 29 or so students and around 4 teachers plus about 2 or 3 aides who went of course around 2 teachers and 5 students did not take part in the actual walk these people stayed at our start and finish point the quarantine station.


Sweet Water Creek Hike

Friday 18th March, 23 students from Year 10 VCAL ventured to Frankston South to attend an excursion organised by Tracey Murray and Dave L’Hullier. Students walked the 7km track as a part of their ‘Challenge Yourself’. The students gathered for a BBQ at the end of their walk and then a quick swim in the bay.


Ben + Mike Motivational Speech

On Monday 21st March,  the entire Year 10 Cohort attended a presentation by Mike Rolls and Ben Pentingill. Each of these presenters had a story to tell about overcoming adversity in their lives that was not in their control. The response from the cohort was amazing and the students definitely developed an understanding of the challenges that life can throw at you and perspective that you can develop to overcome adversity and continue to persevere. Special thanks to Zander Wilson and Ashley Gillam who were responsible for setting up and showing Mike and Ben around the college.



USI required for upcoming Money Talks program

Please note that all students require a USI and this should be acquired prior to the end of term. Please see link:


Key Upcoming Dates 

  • School Pride Unit Commences: March 28th, 2022
  • Catch up Photo Day: April 5th, 2022
  • Grand Prix: 7th April, 2022
  • School Holidays: 11th - 25th April, 2022 ( Start Term 2 - 26th April, 2022)
  • Athletics Day: 19th May, 2022

Year 11

“City” Excursion

(written by Alex Noble and Jack Conell)

Melbourne CBD – or at least we thought that was where we were headed at the start of the day. Unfortunately, the trains didn’t allow us to make it the whole way to the city. As there were issues on the train line, broken tracks. We made it as far as Mordialloc CBD where we had a 30-minute break/ when the teacher produced a scavenger hunt activity. We met the teachers back at the train station where the teachers explained the scavenger hunt activity to us. We had to work in groups to find different landmarks. We learnt the following throughout the day, how to be adaptive and flexible, directions skills, working together as a team and communication with others. It was interesting because we know where Mordialloc is and have driven through it but never stopped to see what was there. 


Social Enterprise Projects

This year’s batch of social enterprise community projects have been amazing! Students have dived deep into social issues such as domestic violence, mental health, cancer awareness, bullying and health & safety. Their projects have shown a good understanding of the issues and practical ways to raise awareness in our community. 

Preparing for Open Night

Open night is a good opportunity to showcase McClelland College at its best to prospective students and parents. Due to the fact that this event has not run for the last few years the year 11 VCAL students wanted it to be a great night, with that in mind students need to prepare the VCAL cafe for the night. This included the following, removal of the fencing around the bear pit, sweeping leaves up, picking up rubbish, moving furniture, working collarabitive as a team to ensure that they met their deadlines.  


Key Upcoming Dates

Start of Leadership Unit: 28th March, 2022

Grand Prix: 7th April, 2022

End of Term 1: 8th April, 2022

Start of Term 2: 26th April, 2022

Formal: 29th April, 2022 

Athletics Day: 19th May, 2022


Year 12

We year 12’s have had a super busy start to the year. We started off with a visit from keen2work. Keen2Work is a business that provides a website and also an app where apprentices looking for work can seek for positions and businesses can load up opportunities/positions they have available. Next up we took a trip down to Tony’s farm in Mount Martha and learnt about sustainability, how to create things using recyclable materials and how to make charcoal. Would you believe that Tony built his whole house out of recyclables and even made the mud bricks by hand! It is a great experience for all students and I hope that everyone gets to visit one day because it’s a really good chance to learn how to become more environmentally sustainable. In week 4 of this term, James Harding from Hard Cuddles came to talk to us. It was one of the presentations that really connected with each student, James spoke about the challenges he had to overcome to become who he is today and how he did it. I think that everyone could relate a little bit as to how he was feeling at our age about being at school, not being able to find the right group of friends and most importantly not knowing what it is you want to do after school. Week 5 was when all year 12’s headed up to the city for the day. We felt honoured to be able to have a walking tour around Melbourne and learn about the history of what made Melbourne the city it is today. Did you know in the bricks of Federation Square are the shells from waterways in Kakadu National Park in NT? Students were then given the challenge of a scavenger hunt, they had 45 minutes to find a specific landmark just with a picture and a clue, most students were successful while a few got a little lost on the way. It was a great day for all! Lastly the students have been working super hard on a Nature Nook project which is to be shown off at the open night on the 22nd of March.

  • Jacinta Reid

Tony’s Farm 

It is always such a great pleasure to attend Tony’s Farm and learn more about sustainability practices in our local environment. Our leadership themed visit at the end of this term produced a new wetlands pond, a community catered event, updated orchard fencing and newly installed bench seating. Apart from having to bury four guinea pigs due to Tony’s energetic dog, Barney, the day was a huge success.

Key Upcoming Dates

Start of Careers Unit: 28th March, 2022

Grand Prix: 7th April, 2022

Year 12 Cohort Photo: 5th April, 2022

End of Term 1: 8th April, 2022

Start of Term 2: 26th April, 2022

Formal: 29th April, 2022 

Athletics Day: 19th May, 2022

Careers Expo: 26th May, 2022