Achievement Awards
At our assemblies some students receive special awards. This is recognition of their achievements as identified by members of staff. Congratulations to the following students.
Room 3 - Dakota - For always being kind and respectful to others
Room 3 - Jack - For being a persistent learner and always trying his best
Room 4 - Emily - For being a responsible member of the classroom
Room 4 - Sharlene - For being a kind and respectful class member
Room 5 - Hayden - For demonstrating respect towards peers and teachers
Room 5 - Sam - For demonstrating persistence in his writing
Room 5A - Amelia - For demonstrating persistence in her writing
Room 5A - Luke - For demonstrating persistence with his reading
Room 10 - Cooper - For persisting during challenging maths tasks
Room 10 - Kyall - For demonstrating responsibility by getting activities completed on time
Room 11 - Mikayla - For demonstrating persistence in her school work
Room 11 - Nick - For being a respectful and helpful class member
Room 13 - Blake - For always being kind and respectful to others
Room 13 - Kate - For always showing respect towards her peers and adults
Room 14 - Anika - For demonstrating persistence in her writing
Room 14 - Finn - For being a persistent learner and always trying his very best
Room 16 - Lily - For being a responsible member of the classroom
Room 16 - Fraser - For being a persistent learner and improving his focus during lessons
Room 17 - Owen - For being a persistent learner
Room 17 - Olivia - For being a kind and respectful class member
Room 19 - Cooper - For demonstrating persistence in literacy
Room 19 - Tahlia - For being a responsible class member
Room 20 - Grace - For persisting in learning her sight words and being a responsible role model for peers
Room 20 - Silas - For demonstrating persistence in his school work
Room 22 - Grace - For being a kind and respectful class member
Room 22 - Samuel - For demonstrating responsibility with running the class morning routine
Room 23 - Milly - Persistence with her spelling when writing compound sentences
Room 23 - Jack - Persistence across all areas of learning
Room 26 - Bethany - For displaying persistence when attempting new tasks
Room 26 - Elijah - For responsibility in and outside the classroom
Room 27 - Alex - Making responsible choices in all areas of his learning and social interactions
Room 27 - Rebecca - Constantly showing utmost respect to all peers and teachers
Room 29 - Hamish - For demonstrating responsibility by doing a good job of keeping his diary and completing homework tasks
Room 29 - Chloe - For demonstrating responsibility by doing a good job of keeping his diary and completing homework tasks
Room 30 - Scarlett - For showing responsibility with her organisation and learning
Room 30 - Caleb - For having a persistent attitude in all learning areas
Room 31 - Isabelle - For showing respect to all members of the school community
Room 31 - Tyler - For taking responsibility for his own learning
Room 32 - Hamish - For demonstrating persistence in technology lessons
Room 32 - Zoe - For always showing respect towards her peers and adults
Room 33 - Bradley - For demonstrating persistence in his school work
Room 33 - Kimberley - For demonstrating persistence in her school work
Indonesian - Room 33 - For being responsible and persistent with their Indonesian learning
HASS - Room 32 & Room 33 - For excellent research and designing of biome trioramas
OSHC Award
Chloe - Room 29
Principal’s Attendance Award
Rome - Room 31