News From the Principal

Dear families,
Canberra Camp
I would like to congratulate the 90 students that recently attended our 5 day Canberra Camp. Feedback from the bus drivers, members of the public, venues we visited and accommodation staff was excellent. Once again, our students were exemplary wherever they went and this is a credit to their families.
I would like to thank all the staff who attended the 5 days for their hard work and professionalism throughout the camp.
Delivery of NAPLAN reports
Our school and individual student NAPLAN reports package was delivered earlier in the week. Student NAPLAN reports will be delivered securely and confidentially as soon as possible next week.
NAPLAN is just one measure of your child’s performance. Largs Bay School uses various tests or measures of achievement in the areas of literacy & numeracy. The results of these assist in providing learning programmes for students and are reported to parents through our written reports in terms 2 & 4.
Early analysis of the NAPLaN data has provided the following information:
As a staff we will be analysing the results from this year and identifying areas for improvement which will drive our 2018 Site Improvement Plan.
If you have any concerns regarding your child’s NAPLAN results please make an appointment with your child’s teacher.
Book Week
Earlier this week we celebrated Book Week with a number of classroom and whole school activities. The highlight of the week was the “Book Week” parade. It was fantastic to see the efforts put in by so many of the children and their families.
I was also very impressed with the staff participation (see below)!!!
SSO Week
Next week Largs Bay celebrates School Services Officer Week 2017. We would like to thank the amazing SSOs, from the front office, grounds, IT, resource centre and those who support our students. SSO Recognition Week is an important initiative recognising the work SSOs do in our school communities. A big thank you to all of them.
Please let them know how much you appreciate their work!