Junior News

WOW!! End of Term 3

My goodness, where has the time gone? It is time to wrap up Term 3 and get ready for the final term for 2018! A holiday may be needed first! It is interesting to look back at photos taken of all the students at the end of 2017 and compare them to the confident, more grown up students we see today! 

This term we have had lots of fun and adventure. We have been on excursion, had a celebration day, enjoyed dressing up and let's not forget all the learning!! 


Reading: We have been wrapping up Term 3 Literacy learning by looking at summarising. This is where we retell the main events of the story in quick, sequential detail. Basically we have been sharing 'the gist' of the story. We have investigated the 'Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then' in the books we have shared together. When you are next reading to or with your child, please ask them to summarise the book for you. 

Writing: All year we have been learning about poetry. Every Monday we have looked at a new poem and added it to our special poetry books. This term we have had a chance to write our own poems. We have been using lots of different techniques such as rhyming, onomatopoeia, alliteration, free form, chants....and so many more! The students have loved using this medium as a way to express their ideas about animals, food, places, things and people! There have been some amazingly creative ideas. We have shared our poetry in share groups and listened respectfully and offered helpful advice to make our poems shine. Well done to all our Junior School poets!


We have been wrapping up Term 3 by looking at Fractions. We have learned that fractions are when we cut a whole into pieces. These pieces all need to be the same size and we have looked at how to write these pieces as a fraction. It has been fun to think of pizza, apples, pie and chocolate every session.....but makes us hungry! Students can identify different shaded parts of a fraction and write this as a fraction (number). We have drawn our own fractions, cut up and folded our own shapes and compared different fractions . Next time you are cutting up a pizza or pie at home, please ask your child what they can tell you about fractions and how many pieces may be eaten or left over. 

Heading into Term 4

All the teachers and ES staff in Junior School wish you all a safe and happy holidays. Please take the time to rest up so you are all fresh and ready for the last term of the year! We look forward to hearing plenty of holiday stories when we return on the 8th of October. 


Dates to remember for Term 4:

8th October - Back to school

15th - 19th October - Swimming Week

6th November - Melbourne Cup Day

20th November - Asia Day

13th December - Excursion to Collingwood Children's Farm

21st December - Last Day of School