School Wide 


Positive Behaviour Support

Teaching our values

We have reached our target of 5000 acknowledgements!!!!


Students have been working consistently on developing their social skills and capabilities s as they learn more about Excellence, Resilience and Respect.  Stay tuned, for our next celebration day won't be far away!


Our classroom lessons over the last 4 weeks have been focused on Excellence.  This has entailed what excellence looks like at KPS and ways in which we can show this in and around different school settings. 

As a school we have introduced a new routine and we are in the early stages of teaching students.  This is the STOP, WALK & TALK routine. 

The routine is as follows:

STOP - tell the person showing disrespect to stop.  Use a loud voice, maintain eye contact and put your arm out with your hand up to stop.

WALK - if the disrespect doesn't stop, walk away from the situation. Don't stay and get into an argument or disagreement. 

TALK - if the disrespect continues then find an adult to talk to.

This routine requires practise and in the relevant moment, teachers will use these situations (in the yard or in a classroom setting) to teach students and guide them through the process.  Students are going to draw on resilience when needing to try and verbalise to others to STOP a particular behaviour they don't like even if they may not feel this is something they want to do.  Student voice is a powerful way to influence the behaviour of others and we encourage this of our students. 

Here's a link (copy and paste) to the clip we've viewed as a school  


The PBS team are currently working on a school wide matrix that will explicitly present the expected behaviours of everyone within school places, with other people and with ourselves.  We are really excited to launch our school wide matrix early next term.  


If you have any feedback or comments regarding PBS at Kilsyth we welcome you to speak to any staff member or send us an email