Classroom News

Road Safety fun
To celebrate a FANTATSIC year, rooms 13, 14, 19 and 20 went on an excursion to Bonython Park and the SAPOL Road Safety Centre. Everyone had fun learning about how to be safe on and around our roads in preparation for the school holidays. The students took it in turns being pedestrians and cyclists, it was a great hands on way to learn about using traffic lights, give-way signs, stop signs, a round- about and much more.
As a part of our celebrations, we had a shared morning tea followed by a much deserved play on the playground in Bonython Park. Everyone displayed the Largs Bay School values; we were even commended by the police officers running the Road Safety Centre.
Room 33
Students explored how high hills of a roller coaster can be and experimented to build a deeper understanding of hills and energy. From this, students were able construct explanations of how energy is stored and transferred in chain reactions, such as falling dominoes. Students were then presented with a challenge to create their own chain reaction machine
Room 29
Comic Strips
Room 29 has been creating comic strips using the “Storyboard that” website. Children started with short three panel comic strips and have now moved on to multi-panel comic books with complete narratives. The comic books have a sound feature which enabled children to add their voices to the finished product. The comic books will be published online and can be viewed by children and parents from Room 29.
Board Games in Room 23
Year 3
In Room 23, the years 3 students have been learning about procedure writing. They created their very own board game and then wrote a procedure to instruct others’ how to play their board games.
The students have had a wonderful time creating and playing the board games.